“The Rabbits” Case Study
Colonization of Australia Introduction of a new species in the Australian Ecosystem occurred in around 1859 by Thomas Austin. His reasoning? To bring a touch of ‘home’ from Europe…bad call… 24 Rabbits were brought from Europe Rapid population increase occurred as Rabbits are an invasive species
Consequence? Many of the native Australian animals could not compete and died off. A lot of the plants were negatively effected as well.
Creation of Fences 1901 (this is only 43 years), the Western Australian Government started to build the first “Rabbit Proof Fence” Completed in 1907 and was 1830 km long (Longest Rabbit Fence ever build) The Great Wall of China is 8850 km…just as a comparison. This fence was already broken down by the Rabbits in 1902 before it was even finished (2 fences followed).
And it continued… Population continued to grow so much…that by 1950 a virus called Myxomatosis (viral disease) was deliberately released in attempt to control the Rabbit population. 500 million rabbits died There were still 100 million of them left By 1991 – recovery – population had grown to 200- 300 million and these rabbits were resistant to the virus. 1996 – introduction of calicivirus – too successful, left some predators starving
Significance? “The Rabbits” by John Marsden and illustrated by Shaun Tan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTvXe84UqIQ&f eature=relmfu - Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZaROIWniN8& feature=relmfu - Part 2
Questions to Consider… What is the metaphor of the Rabbits in this story? Why do you think the author used the Rabbits as a symbol based on the information provided earlier? Why is it important to understand this issue?