Resiliency – an Emerging “ility” July Meeting Resiliency – an Emerging “ility” Speaker: Dr. Richard Mayer President, Speed of Light Consulting LLC Date & Location: 14 July 2011, Boeing Building 305 Conf Rm 190A Brown Bag Lunch / Presentation: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Abstract: How well can you recover if your command center is sabotaged? Or your computer is hacked? The ability to “bounce back” is called resilience. As a system property or a system-of-systems operational capability, it has received increasing attention in recent years. In this seminar we discuss: What is resilience? Why does resilience matter (examples of resilient and non-resilient failures)? How does it differ from related “ilities,” such as reliability, availability, mission assurance, etc.? How is it specified in a system design? Is it even a proper system requirement? Biography: Richard has over 35 years of experience in aerospace systems engineering, and laser communications. He retired as a Boeing Technical Fellow in June , 2010. He is currently president of Speed of Light Consulting LLC. Dr. Mayer holds a D.Sc. in applied mathematics and an MBA from Washington University in St. Louis, and an M.S. in physics from the University of Illinois. He is an INCOSE Certified Systems Engineering Professional with DoD Acquisition Extension. He is a member and former chapter president of INCOSE, and a Senior Member of IEEE and AIAA. Directions: B305 is on McDonnell Blvd between I-270 and Lindbergh. Reservations not required, but please contact Dianne Milton ( or 314-233-6801) by July 12 to attend, for a snack count and badging for non-Boeing attendees. Non-Boeing attendees, please contact Bill Bezdek for meeting escort (cell:314-306-6210).