4th coordination meeting 4-5th September, 2017, Debrecen (Hungary) ERASMUS+ KA2 PROJECT: Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health Management, Health Economics and Health Informatics in Montenegro 4th coordination meeting 4-5th September, 2017, Debrecen (Hungary) Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Public health management 4th coordination meeting 5th September, 2017, Debrecen (Hungary) Project web site: www.ph-elim.net .
MSc in Public health management Basic modules Health systems Introduction to Health Sicence Basic health economics Health policy planning & financing Epidemiology and biostatistics Health law
MSc in Public health management Specialization modules Evidence-based public health Public health system and its operation Public health financing Human resources management Public health informatics Health/PH databases and their handling Public health ethics
MSc in Public health management Elective modules - Selected from the curricula of other courses