Human Resource Management NDBF 11/01 Venue: T9 Lim Sei Kee @ cK
Human Resource Management Unit Status: Essential Unit Value: 1.0 Learning Time: 120 Hours Prerequisite: None Exemptions: None
Aims of the Unit To provide an understanding of individual, group, organizational behaviour and their impact on organizational functioning To provide a fundamental understanding of personnel procedures and the rights and obligation of employers and employees To develop an understanding of the nature and position of human resources within an organization and its role in effective management
4. To examine the personnel function as it operates in employing organization and show how personnel procedures contribute towards effective organizational performance 5. To develop a range of skills which can be used when dealing with the management of people in an organizational setting
Assessment Scheme Coursework Assignments 100% - Class-based tests, Take home assignments specific to the unit/topic
Lecturer Name: Lim Sei Kee @ cK Contact No: 8885488 Email Add.: Wordpress: Class: Every Wednesday 8 – 11 AM, Saturday 8-11 AM
RULES You will be marked ABSENT if you are 45 mins. late for class, unless you have a legit excuse. Submit your assignments ON TIME. 20% deduction for late submission, no excuse. SILENT your phones during lecture.
Q & A session
Training & Development Lim Sei Kee @ cK 4th April 2012
Training and Development and Other HRM Functions Availability of training can aid in recruitment Recruitment Provide an additional source of trainees Training may permit hiring less-qualified applicants Selection Effective selection may reduce training needs Training aids in the achievement of performance Performance Appraisal A basis for assessing training needs and results Training and development may lead to higher pay Compensation Management A basis for determining employee’s rate of pay Training may include a role for the union Labor Relations Union cooperation can facilitate training efforts
Training and development Training – main objective is to improve performance in the near term and in a specific job by increasing employees’ competencies Development – activities intended to improve competencies over a longer period of time in anticipation of the organization’s future needs
Benefits of training and development Improving Recruitment and Retention Improving Competitiveness Increasing Productivity Implementing New Technology Improving Customer Service Understanding customer needs Training for customers
Four phase of training 1. Conducting the Needs Assessment 2. Designing the Training Program 3. Implementing the Training Program 4. Evaluating the Training Program
PHASE 1 Organization Analysis Task Analysis Person Analysis An examination of the environment, strategies, and resources of the organization to determine where training emphasis should be placed. Task Analysis The process of determining what the content of a training program should be on the basis of a study of the tasks and duties involved in the job. Person Analysis A determination of the specific individuals who need training.
Phase 2: Designing the Training Program Issues in training design Instructional objectives Trainee readiness and motivation Principles of learning Characteristics of successful trainers © 2007 Thomson/South-Western. All rights reserved. 5
Phase 3: Implementing the Training Program Choosing the instructional method Nature of training Type of trainees Organizational extent of training Importance of training outcomes © 2007 Thomson/South-Western. All rights reserved. 5
On the Job Supervisory assistance and mentoring Coaching On-the-Job training Employees learn their jobs under direct supervision. Apprenticeships, internships and assistantships Job Experiences Job rotation Developmental job assignments Supervisory assistance and mentoring Coaching
Typically-Off-Site Job Training Formal courses Simulation Assessment centers Business board games Wilderness trips and outdoor training
Phase 4: Evaluating the Training Program Measuring program effectiveness Criterion 1: Trainee reactions Criterion 2: Extent of learning Criterion 3: Learning transfer to job Criterion 4: Results assessment © 2007 Thomson/South-Western. All rights reserved. 5
The End For today…
Next few weeks… 1. Performance appraisal / Compensation 2. Safety & health 3. Remuneration
Assignment 30% - done with Crystal 35% - individual assignment, phase test 35% - group assignment Time left: 6 weeks 19th May last day?