Welcome to Year 1 Green Class
Who is who? Class Teacher – Mrs Backhouse. ETA – Mrs Kelly. PPA Cover – Mrs Marchington.
Timetables PE on Tuesday and Wednesday. Library & Book Swap on Tuesday. Outdoor investigations and learning could happen on any day. Please make sure your child brings a coat to school.
Timings 8.50 - School Begins. 9.00 – Children have Read, Write, Ink Lessons. 9.45 – Snack and Milk. 10.00 – Play Time. 10.20 – Numeracy Lesson. 11.20 – Handwriting. 11.40 - Everybody Reads In Class (ERIC) 12.00 – Lunch Time. 1.00 – Assembly 1.30 – Topic Lesson. 2.00 – Afternoon Break. 2.30 – Topic Lesson. 3.20 – Home Time
SATs Key Stage One SATs will take place in Year Two during May. Please refrain from taking family holidays during this time.
Home learning Learning Logs – Shown each Wednesday in school. My Maths - an on-line homework to consolidate Maths skills taught in school. TTRockstars – an on-line programme to practice times tables and compete against your classmates.
Our school values Learn to live, live to learn.
Our vision and promises
Circle of Trust It’s good to be green. 3 warnings Yellow means miss play time Red means isolation
PE Our PE lessons will be on Tuesday and Wednesday initially. All children will need a full PE kit – black shorts, white t-shirt and black pumps. All clothing MUST BE NAMED clearly.
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How can you help? Little and Often is the key. Read with your child, listen to them read, enjoy and talk about the books you have shared. Support them in their learning but don’t do it for them, home learning should be consolidation of what is done in school, your child shouldn’t need too much help to complete the tasks set. Encourage them to try hard and present their work to a good standard. Practise times tables together, X2, X5, X10.