Figure Legend: From: Crowding and eccentricity determine reading rate Journal of Vision. 2007;7(2):20. doi:10.1167/7.2.20 Figure Legend: Effects of eccentricity. Based on the data in Figure 12. (a) The maximum reading rate estimated by Chung et al. (1998) from their two-line fit to the data at each vertical eccentricity (in lower visual field). This is a big effect; reading rate drops sixfold from 0° to 20°. While there is no known reason for any of these graphs to be straight, the linear regression lines do fit well enough for us to take their log-linear slope as a summary of the eccentricity dependence. The mean slope of the regression lines in (a) is −0.04 decade/deg, with a standard deviation of 0.006. Note that, in the model (Eq. 3), reading rate r (character per second) is the product ρu, so log r = log ρ + log u and dlogrdφ=dlogρdφ+dlogudφ. Thus, the slopes of log ρ (panel b) and log u (panel c) must sum to the slope of log r (panel a). (b) The rate factor ρ at each eccentricity. The mean slope is −0.05 decade/deg. (c) The uncrowded span u = 1 + 2/b for large spacing (Eq. B8) at each eccentricity. The mean slope is +0.01 decade/deg. The drop in r is accounted for by the drop in ρ; there is no drop in u for these observers. English text has an average of 5 printed characters and a space for each word so 1 word/min = (5 + 1 character) / (60 s) = 0.1 character/s. (d) Bouma's factor b. Note that there is much less variation in this Chung et al. group of observers than in the Legge et al. (2001) observers plotted in Figure 8. Date of download: 12/28/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.