Slot 2.1 – Red blood cells, note pale region in center due to biconcave shape
Erythrocytes Slot 2.2 Small lymphocyte
Slot 2.3 – Erythrocytes. Note biconcave shape.
Slot 2.4 Platelet Erythrocytes
Slot 2.5 Platelets
Slot 2.6 Neutrophil
Slot 2.7 Neutrophil
Slot 2.8 Neutrophil Band Neutrophil
Slot 2.9 Band Neutrophil
Slot 2.10 Eosinophil
Slot 2.11 Eosinophils
Slot 2.12 Basophil
Slot 2.13 Medium lymphocyte Basophils
Slot 2.14 Small lymphocytes Medium lymphocyte
Slot 2.15 Large lymphocyte
Slot 2.16 Small lymphocyte Neutrophil
Slot 2.17 Monocyte
Slot 2.18 Band Neutrophil Neutrophil
Slot 2.19 Eosinophil Medium lymphocyte Basophil
Slot 2.20 Medium lymphocyte
Slot 2.21 – RBC and granulocyte development
M = megakaryocyte Arrows = fat cells Developing blood cells Stroma M Bone Marrow Fetal Liver Slot 2.22
Reticulocyte Hemocytoblast Slot 2.23 Polychromatophilic erythroblasts B = basophilic erythroblast P = polychromatophilic erythroblast N = normoblast
Band Neutrophil Neutrophil Promyelocyte Neutrophil myelocyte Slot 2.24 Basophil myelocyte Neutrophil myelocyte Eosinophil myelocyte