Bruno Lindorfer Managing Director „Innovative Upper Austria“ Upper Austria – Austria‘s leading state with regard to exports, industry, innovation and technology
Upper Austria is the nation’s leading federal province with regard to industry, exports and technology: 14% of area – 11,982 km² 17% of the population – 1.408.670 approx. 25% of industrial production 27% of the exports of the Federal Republic of Austria
Upper Austria - Austria’s export motor Upper Austria - Austria’s export motor! Exports of the Austrian states 2007 (production sector) € bn Austria 2007: € 78.1 bn Source: WKO Inhouse Statistic
A region with sustained economic dynamism Employed persons trend 1970 – 2008 % 1970 = 100 Upper Austria Lower Austria Austria Styria Vienna Source: Association of Austrian Social Insurance Funds
The lowest unemployment rate of all the Austrian states Comparison of unemployment rates by Austrian states Annual average 2008 5.8% Austria 3.5 3.9 5.2 5.9 6.1 7.4 7.2 7.8 5.5 Source: AMS OÖ
Austria‘s leading technology region Austrian Patents Office applications and allocations by Austrian states (2008) Source: Austrian Patents Office. April 2008
Technology business area Location marketing business area Our services OÖ. Technologie- und Marketinggesellschaft m.b.H. (TMG) is Upper Austria‘s technology and location development agency. Technology business area Location marketing business area Management of the “Innovative Upper Austria 2010” strategic programme 2010 EU-programmes Innovation investment management Business location and location development Marketing for Upper Austrian as a business location Co-ordination of Impulse centers It is somewhat strange that the FHs are now being called universities in English, when they are not included in Austrian university organisation legislation . I believe this term derives from an advertising brochure and should be treated with some care. In actual fact, FHs are probably the equivalent of the English polytechnics, i.e. bodies that provide university level qualifications without actually being universities in the full sense of the word.
Clusters and inter-branch networks in Upper Austria Furniture & timber construction Eco-Energy (Upper Austrian Energiesparverband) Plastics Health Technology Food (Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce) Automotive Mechatronics Logistics (Association for Network Logistics) Environmental Technology Human Resources © Clusterland OÖ GmbH Update 01/08. page no 8 Design & Media
The strategic programmes: Upper Austria places a systematic reliance on innovation Upper Austria 2000+ strategic programme 1998 – 2003 3 strategic areas Total budget: € 300 m Upper Austria contribution: € 80 m “Innovative Upper Austria 2010” strategic programme 2005 – 2010 5 strategic areas 43 measures (Priority 1) 250 experts Total budget: € 600 m Upper Austria contribution: € 200 m
Vision: Upper Austria as Europe’s leading region for innovation Topic areas Research & Development Professional qualification Networks Business and technology location Upper Austria EU – networking
Topic area R&D Lightweight construction and innovative materials Logistics Mechatronics and process automation Computer and communications technology Life Sciences
Impulse centres in Upper Austria
Hagenberg Software Park The Austrian software competence centre The Hagenberg Software Park is a “magma” of independent partners, which together cover all aspects of the software area, namely research, education and applications. 1,300 students thereof 1,150 students of University of Applied Sciences 46 companies 8 research institutes approx. 1000 employees
Softwarepark Hagenberg 2008 1) 1) planning the remainder: existing buildings
Google goes Upper Austria! Location: Kronstorf (near Enns) – establishment of a data centre. May 2007: initial contact to the ABA in New York (code name “A4”) via Price Waterhouse. Locations in more than ten European states examined. Five Austrian federal provinces applied, three of which were viewed by “A4”. European shortlist with ten locations. Preliminary selection of Kronstorf at the end of 2007. Contracts signed for the purchase of a 75ha site in November 2008. Important location factors: Property, energy supply, cooling water, data lines, available labour, “investment climate” (local and regional politicians and authorities, stability, support by TMG and ABA, etc.).
„Innovation is 1 % Inspiration and 99 % Transpiration“ Albert Einstein
Upper Austria‘s regional development TMG Upper Austria‘s regional development and innovation agency OÖ. Technologie- und Marketinggesellschaft m.b.H., Hafenstraße 47-51, 4020 Linz Tel.: +43-732-79810, Fax: +43-732-79810-5008,, e-mail: