major grade Assignment SPIRIT WEEK Spirit Week (October 9th – October 13th) includes the following theme days: Monday - Character Day Tuesday – Super Hero vs. Villians Day Wednesday – Old School Hip Hop Day Thursday – Blue Out Day Friday – Battle of the Classes Day Bring a camera and a download device to school every day during Spirit Week. Take photos all day, capturing at least 100 images – 20 per day! Be sure to utilize multiple photo composition rules. NO POSED SHOTS – you will not receive full credit!
major grade Assignment SPIRIT WEEK During each class day this week, you will download your photos as follows: Create a Spirit Week folder in your Photo Journalism H drive folder for storage Create subfolders in this folder with the title of each theme day; i.e. Generation Day, Athletic Day, etc. and download all photos from that day into the appropriate folder Determine which 20 photos are the best from each day and batch rename them with [your last name] Generation Day [class period] [photo sequence number]
major grade Assignment SPIRIT WEEK Upload and submit the Spirit Week assignment as one folder via Google Drive by midnight on Friday, October 13th.
Spirit week rubric Criteria Weight Turned in using required organization 10 Submitted 20 photos per theme per day 30 Utilized a variety of composition rules Quality and effort Total 100