Evidence Based Practice & Research in Nursing University of Tabuk Dr. Jay Qais Nantin Ablao Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences Department of Nursing Evidence Based Practice & Research in Nursing Level 8, Academic Year (AY) 1434—1435 H
Theoretical Framework
What is a theory? Department of Nursing
Department of Nursing
Theory Speculation Never considered true Explains phenomena and its relationship Requires further development Helps in prediction and control of phenomena Gives direction
Theory Guides and directs practice, education and research Improves analytical skills, clarifies values, assumptions and accuracy of decisions.
Characteristics of Theory 1. Consist of set of concepts: building block of a theory. Categorized as abstract concept and concrete concept.
Concrete Concept Abstract Concept Vital Signs Nursing Process Statistics Caring Hope Happiness Department of Nursing
Characteristic of Theory 2. Consist of propositions, each of which indicates relationship between concepts. - a theory must provide a mechanism for logically arriving at raw statements derived from the original propositions.
Characteristic of Theory 3. A theory is represented by Conceptual Paradigm and Conceptual Models Conceptual Paradigm – visual presentation of relationship of variables as perceived by the researcher prior to empirical testing.
Department of Nursing
Characteristic of Theory 4. Purposely created and formulated. Researcher integrates and merges facts to make a holistic viewpoint and creating a theory.
Characteristic of Theory 5. Tentative and subject to change. Knowledge is never absolute, changes occur as research continuous to provide explanations.
Characteristic of Theory 6. New theories enhance existing knowledge.
Characteristic of Theory 7. Explains the basis of the problem that allows researcher to formulate the research design and select tools.
Purpose of Conceptual/Theoretical Framework Justify rationale Give reason for searching new data and for analyzing, interpreting and synthesizing data Cite theory to establish relationship among variables
Construction of Conceptual Paradigm Lines, dots Basic shapes, arrows Properly labeled with textual explanation Short and simple
Department of Nursing
Types of Models: Conceptual Models – less concrete and more abstract than a theory. Formulate in the mind that actually exists which consists of patterns and standards. Unit from which the theory is made.
Career Planning, Training, and Development Retirement Planning Self-Realization Career Planning, Training, and Development Retirement Planning Esteem and Self-Respect Needs Performance Management and Merit system Work or praise in the presence of others Needs Nursing Nights, Membership to Clubs, Team Building Program Acceptance, friendship Social Safety and security Needs Stress Management program, Health Nurse-Patient Ratio Physiological Needs Wage/Compensation and Benefits Program Retention and Motivational Strategies
Types of Models B. Theoretical model – represent the real world expressed in language or mathematical symbols. Provides visualization of reality and simplify thinking but are not directly observable. Consists of integrated set of defined concepts, relational statements that presents a view of phenomena used to describe, predict and control
Nutrition Nursing Care Model for Counseling Women about self-care Exercise Self Care Sexuality issues Stress Management Hormone replacement therapy Stop smoking Limit alcohol Self examination Nursing Care Model for Counseling Women about self-care
Why is theory important in nursing practice? Department of Nursing
Importance of Theory to Nursing Practice As basis of nursing practice, theory describes, predicts, controls and explains phenomena of interest to nurses. It validates, enhances, and improves nursing practice.
Importance of Theory to Nursing Practice It is intrinsic to practice and practice continues to validate theory, hence, theory and practice are integral to each other. It promotes understanding and explanation of phenomena and gives rise to a body of knowledge
Definition of Terms Department of Nursing
Have you read a book and cannot seem to move to the next page? Department of Nursing
Definition of Terms Facilitates understanding of the study by defining the terms or variables according to their contextual use.
Reasons for defining the Variables: To guide and direct the researcher in quantifying and qualifying the variables. b. To ensure clarity of the meaning of the variables and minimize the reader’s misconceptions
Denotative Definition Types of Definition Conceptual Definition Operational Denotative Definition Connotative Lexical Definition Department of Nursing
Conceptual Definition Meaning Universal definition understood by people Source Dictionary, related literature, authoritative Example Motivation – something that causes a person to act (Webster:2004) Department of Nursing
Denotative Definition Types of Definition Conceptual Definition Operational Denotative Definition Connotative Lexical Definition Department of Nursing
Operational Definition Meaning Researcher’s own definition of terms used in the study Source Related literature, research studies, established theories Example Motivation – the ability of the nurse on duty to accomplish her tasks on time. Department of Nursing
Conceptual Definition Operational Definition Variable Conceptual Definition Operational Definition Professional An individual who practices a particular profession Any individual with 4 years of college education Introversion Self-directed interest Tendency of a student to isolate from the group Courtesy Politeness Use of polite words and expressions when greeting elders and authorities Department of Nursing
Denotative Definition Operational Definition Denotative Definition Connotative Department of Nursing
Denotative Definition – defined terms of what the concept is or what it represents. Ex. Father – a male parent Nurse – one who cares for people
Denotative Definition Operational Definition Denotative Definition Connotative Department of Nursing
Connotative Definitions – defined according to implications or associations. Suggests what one might think when considering the term. Ex. Father – strong, provider, head of the family Nurse – warm, gentle mannered, health provider
Denotative Definition Types of Definition Conceptual Definition Operational Denotative Definition Connotative Lexical Definition Department of Nursing
Definitions taken from authorities on the subjects Lexical Definition Meaning Definitions taken from authorities on the subjects Source Previous researches Example Morale – according to Keith, is a state of well-being that elevates the spirit Department of Nursing
Curriculum & Course Development Committee References Sherman, R. O. & Eggenberger, T. (2008). Transitioning internationally recruited nurses into clinical settings. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 39(12), 535-44. Tombaugh, J. Mayfield, C., & Durand, R. (2011). Spiritual expression at work: exploring the active voice of workplace spirituality. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/868257687/1417EACB30831975A4A/1?accountid=33657 DEPARTMENT OF NURSING Curriculum & Course Development Committee Department of Nursing