Ir, Ser and Estar
Things you need to know What is the “form” of a verb? The form of a verb is when the verb after it has been changed to match the noun. Example: “Son” and “eres” are forms of ser. Example: “Tengo” and “tiene” are forms of tener. Example: “hablo” and “hablamos” are forms of hablar
Things you need to know continued What is the stem of a verb? The stem of a verb is what is left once the –ar, -er or –ir have been removed. Example: The stem of “hablar” is “habl” Example: The stem of “vivir” is “viv” What are the stems of the following verbs? Bailar, leer, viajar, escribir Bail, le, viaj, escrib
Things you need to know continued What does it mean to conjugate a verb? Conjugating a verb is when you change the verb to match the subject it is referring to. Example: “I speak” Here you take “hablar” and conjugate it to “hablo” Example: “We dance” Here you take “bailar” and conjugate it to “bailamos”
“IR” is an irregular verb Use to express where you are going A conjugation of “ir” must be followed by “a” Ir + a Voy a la escuela Vamos a la escuela
Ir-to go (“ir” is an irregular verb and isn’t considered an –ir verb) Yo voy Nosotros vamos Tú vas Vosotros vais Él, Ella, Ud. va Ellos, Ellas, Uds. van
Try to put these in Spanish! I go to school. They go to class. You (for.) go to science. We go home. You (inf) go to lunch. Tim goes to math. Yo voy a la escuela Ellas van a la clase. Ud. va a las ciencias. Nosotros vamos a la casa. Tú vas a almorzar.
Ser and Estar both mean “to be”… but they have different uses. Ser is used to express ideas that are permanent and Estar is used to express ideas that are temporary.
Conjugations of Estar and their translations Yo Estoy I am Nosotros Estamos We are Tú Estás You are Vosotros Estáis You all are Él, Ella, Ud. Está He is/ She is/ You are Ellos, Ellas, Uds. Están They are/ You all are
When to use estar To express things that are temporary location The book is on the desk El libro está en el pupitre. Health or state of being (emotions) The coffee is hot. I am happy. We are tired.
Conjugations of ser and their translations Yo Soy I am Nosotros Somos We are Tú Eres You are Vosotros Sois Él, ella, ud. Es He is/ She is/ You are Ellos, Ellas, Uds. Son They are/ You all are
When to use ser Time and date Physical traits/personality traits It is one o’clock. Es la una Today is March second. Hoy es el 2 de marzo. Physical traits/personality traits The church is big. La iglesia es grande. Lena is tall. Lena es alta. Profession Guadalupe is a teacher. Guadalupe es maestra. Origin, possesion or material made of I am from Atlanta. Soy de Atlanta. The book is Mark’s. El libro es de Mark. The house is made of wood. La casa es de madera.
Choose ser or estar for each sentence. Explain why. It is 3 o’ clock. The cat is outside. The boy is tall. We are sad. That is Henry’s chair. Gina is a doctor. Today is the 5th of October. The car is made of metal. He is from Michigan.