Primary Longman Elect 3A Chapter 2 Is / Are there any …? Some, a lot of, any
I’m thirsty! Do you want a drink?
Yes, please. What do you want?
I want a cola. This is an impolite way to ask, Ken.
You should say: Is there any cola?
Is there any …? We use ‘Is there any _____?’ to ask about uncountable nouns. e.g. Is there any congee? Is there any orange juice?
Is there any …? We answer ‘Is there any _____?’ like this: e.g. Is there any bread? Yes, there’s some bread. Yes, there’s a lot of bread. No, there isn’t any bread.
OK! Thanks, Sally. Is there any cola? Yes, there is.
I’m hungry! What do you want to eat?
Is there any noodles? Good try Ken, but now the question changes: Are there any noodles?
Are there any …? We use ‘Are there any _____?’ to ask about countable nouns. e.g. Are there any sausages? Are there any noodles?
Are there any …? We answer ‘Are there any _____?’ like this: e.g. Are there any apples? Yes, there are some apples. Yes, there are a lot of apples. No, there aren’t any apples.
Some, a lot of There are some vegetables.
Some, a lot of There are a lot of vegetables.
Some, a lot of We use ‘some’ and ‘a lot of’ with both countable and uncountable nouns. e.g. some apples a lot of apples some bread a lot of bread
Any We use any for both countable and uncountable nouns for negative ‘no’ answers. e.g. Is there any bread? No, there isn’t any bread. Are there any apples? No, there aren’t any apples.
Key structure Is there bread? any Are there apples? there’s some Use any in questions. Are there apples? Use some and a lot of with both countable and uncountable nouns. there’s some bread. Yes, there are a lot of apples.
Key structure Is there bread? any Are there apples? isn’t bread. Use any in questions. Are there apples? isn’t bread. No, there any aren’t apples. Use any in negative (‘no’) sentences.
Practice Fill in the blanks. 1 Are there ______ sausages? any Yes, __________ some sausages. 2 __________ any cheese? No, there isn’t ______ cheese. any there are Is there any
Practice Fill in the blanks. 3 __________ any sweets? Are there Yes, there __________ sweets. 4 Is there ______ meat? No, __________________. Are there are a lot of any there isn’t any meat
The End