The gobble song Turkey Perky
I don’t like Thanksgiving, the saddest time of year. When the leaves start falling Just get me out of here
We all act like chickens But it’s hard to pretend When you say I don’t like Thanksgiving Neither do my friends We all act like chickens But it’s hard to pretend When you say
Gobble Gobble
Gobble Gobble
Gobble Gobble * We’ve got an idea we’d like you to consider
Let’s just skip Thanksgiving Who needs all the fuss? All that work and worry For ev’ry one of us
Put your heads together Find something else to do. You can still watch football, And snooze all afternoon While we sing
Gobble Gobble
Gobble Gobble
Gobble Gobble *1. I think they’re goin’ for it!! *2. Sell it, Tom!
You like mashed potatoes You like pumpkin pie. You like rolls and butter, And noodles piled up high.
Just forget the turkey Can’t we all be friends? Let’s spend this Thanksgiving As veg-e-tar-i-ans And we’ll sing
Gobble Gobble
Gobble Gobble
Gobble Gobble * Okay everybody, group hug!
Gobble Gobble Optional B part: ble ble Gob
Gobble Gobble Gobble Gobble Optional B part: Gob Gob ble ble
Gobble Gobble Optional B part: ble ble Gob
It’s Thans – giv – ing Day! spoken solo: *Gobble!