Subject and Verb, Rules H-O Chapter 18 Agreement Subject and Verb, Rules H-O
Special Problems with Subject-Verb Agreement 18h. When the subject follows the verb, find the subject and make sure that the verb agrees with it. EX: Here is the other glove. Here are the gloves. Where is Arsenio? Where are Arsenio and his brother?
18h. When the subject follows the verb, find the subject and make sure that the verb agrees with it. NOTE: Contractions such as here’s, there’s, and where’s contain the verb is. Use these contractions only with singular verbs. Nonstandard: Here’s your keys. Standard: Here are your keys. Standard: Here is your set of keys.
COMMON COLLECTIVE NOUNS 18i A collective noun may be either singular or plural, depending on its meaning in a sentence. The singular form of a collective noun names a group. COMMON COLLECTIVE NOUNS army club family squadron assembly group congregation staff audience fleet herd team band flock number troup
18i A collective noun may be either singular or plural, depending on its meaning in a sentence. Singular: The tour group is already on the bus. (The group as a unit is on the bus.) Plural: The tour group are talking about what they expect to see. (The members of the group are talking to one another.)
EX: The number of students taking computer courses has increased. 18i A collective noun may be either singular or plural, depending on its meaning in a sentence. NOTE: In the expression number of, the word number is singular when preceded by the and is plural when preceded by a. EX: The number of students taking computer courses has increased. A number of students taking computer courses belong to the computer club.
18j. An expression of an amount (a measurement, a percentage, or a fraction, for example) may be singular or plural depending on how it is used. An amount is singular when thought of as a unit and plural when thought of as separate parts. EX: Five thousand bricks is a heavy load for this truck. (The bricks are thought of as a unit.) Five thousand bricks are scattered on the lot. (The bricks are thought of separately.)
18j. An expression of an amount (a measurement, a percentage, or a fraction, for example) may be singular or plural depending on how it is used. A fraction or percentage is singular when it refers to a singular word and is plural when it refers to a plural word. One fourth of our high school’s student body is employed. (The fraction refers to the student body.) One fourth of the students are employed. (The fraction refers to the students.)
18j. An expression of an amount (a measurement, a percentage, or a fraction, for example) may be singular or plural depending on how it is used. An expression of measurement (length, weight, capacity, or area) is usually singular. Eight fluid ounces equals one cup. Two hundred kilometers was the distance we flew in the hot air balloon.
Oral Practice How (was, were) the Pyramids in Egypt built? A number of the seeds (has, have) failed to sprout. Red beans and rice (is, are) sometimes served as a side dish at Cajun meals. Where (is, are) the other flight of stairs to the roof? Over two hundred dollars (was, were) collected for the American Cancer Society.
Practice How were the Pyramids in Egypt built? A number of the seeds have failed to sprout. Red beans and rice is sometimes served as a side dish at Cajun meals. Where is the other flight of stairs to the roof? Over two hundred dollars was collected for the American Cancer Society.
Further Practice 1. The stage crew (is, are) working together to make a rapid scene change for Rita’s entrance. 2. The Hispanic population (is, are) one of the two fastest growing ethnic groups in the United States. 3. Of the world’s petroleum, approximately one third (was, were) produced by the United States at that time. 4. Thirty minutes of swimming (sees, serve) as a healthful way to get daily exercise. 5. On display in the entrance to the library (is, are) several paintings of famous people.
Further Practice 1. The stage crew are working together to make a rapid scene change for Rita’s entrance. 2. The Hispanic population is one of the two fastest growing ethnic groups in the United States. 3. Of the world’s petroleum, approximately one third was produced by the United States at that time. 4. Thirty minutes of swimming serves as a healthful way to get daily exercise. 5. On display in the entrance to the library are several paintings of famous people.
18k. Some nouns that are plural in form take singular verbs. The following nouns take singular verbs: civics genetics measles news physics molasses mumps summons economics gymnastics electronics mathematics EX: Measles is a contagious disease. The news was disappointing.
18k. Some nouns that are plural in form take singular verbs. A few nouns take plural verbs even when they refer to single items. binoculars pants shears eyeglasses pliers slacks olympics scissors trousers EX: The scissors are in the sewing basket. The first modern Olympics were held in Athens.
18k. Some nouns that are plural in form take singular verbs. Note: Many nouns ending is –ics, such as acoustics, athletics, ethics, politics, statistics, and tactics, may be singular or plural. EX: Statistics is a collection of mathematical data. The statistics are misleading.
EX: “The Birds” is a very scary story. 18l. Even when plural in form, the title of a creative work (song, book, movie, or painting) or the name of a country a city, or an organization generally takes a singular verb. EX: “The Birds” is a very scary story. The Philippines encompasses more than 7,000 islands. Three Musicians is a collage painting by Picasso
18l. Even when plural in form, the title of a creative work (song, book, movie, or painting) or the name of a country a city, or an organization generally takes a singular verb. NOTE: The names of some organizations may take singular or plural verbs, depending on how the names are used. When the name refers to the organization as a unit, it takes a singular verb. When the name refers to the members of the organization, it takes a plural verb. EX: The U.S. Marines is a branch of the Department of the Navy. (The Marines as a unit is a branch.) EX: U.S. Marines are stationed all over the world. (Troops are stationed.)
18m. A verb agrees with its subject, but not necessarily with a predicate nominative EX: Han, Phuong Vu, and Mary are Team B. Team B is Han, Phuong Vu, and Mary. The featured attraction is the exhibits showing how to build a biplane. The exhibits showing how to build a biplane are the featured attraction.
18 n. Subjects preceded by every or many a take a singular verb. EX: Every sophomore and junior is participating. Many a person supports the cause.
18o. The contractions don’t and doesn’t should agree with their subjects. EX: Some students don’t have access to a computer. I don’t know how to swim. This umbrella doesn’t belong to me. Doesn’t he attend Vanderbilt University?
Practice Exercise 4 p. 588 Review B p. 589