Lecture LOs a) Appreciate the (complexity) course, in general.. b) Get some ideas what the course is all about.
2 Groups. Build paper jet planes. Let’s see which one people like more.
QUALITY MANAGEMENT FOOD (Quality) X X: interface
I want… That’s easy, I can give.
I want… That’s easy, I can give.
I want… That’s easy, I can give. Mee too. Mee too.
How do we manage the quality? How do we assure, control the quality?
We need specifications criteria- in writing- goal Get help from Standard And/Or Food Acts/Regulation (look at instant noodles e.g.)
Much more complicated
Finished product specification (after lengthy processes of new product development) According to latest research, this is good and will satisfy
QC specifications: good and should satisfy next Customer. (process 2) Process 1: Receiving QC specifications: good and should satisfy next Customer.
QC specifications: good and should satisfy next Customer. Process 2 Next customer: (process 3) QC specifications: good and should satisfy next Customer.
Next customer: (process 4)… Process 3 Process 1 Process 2 Finished product specifications QC specifications: Good? Satisfy next customer?
I want to be a good graduate HEBAT? How to do it? How to assess? HOW?
I want to produce high quality burger HOW?
Important courses that help; Statistics and process control Food processing Food Analysis (mostly Chemical) Management + Food Quality Management
Other very relevant references; Tamime, A.Y. Milk processing and quality management, Wiley-Blackwell (certain case study) Inteaz Alli. Food Quality Assurance; Principles and practices, CRC Press (overview) Debby L. Newslow. The ISO 9000 Quality System; Application in Food and Technology, Wiley-Interscience Food Act 1983 and Standards from SIRIM
READ Latest one is 2015!
Quality system 3 3 3 Your assignment.
Quality manual
Example of a quality plan No Process Check item Sample size/frequency Parameters Person in charge Records/reference remarks 1 Receiving of materials (a) raw materials, e.g coffee powder Physical appearance Every lot delivered Not wet or damaged Store supervisor Vendor delivery order Description of item against vendor delivery order and purchase order Right item and quantity Vendor delivery order and Purchase order Manufacturing date for items with shelf life < 24 months: received date shall not exceed 2 months from manufacturing date for items with shelf life > 24 months: received dates shall not exceed 4 months from manufacturing date Certificate of analysis and vendor delivery order Special: QC department shall have the concession to receive the materials stated in the raw materials shelf life requirement exclusion list without adherence to this requirement Storage location Designated right location Stock card Storage condition Every storage area: 3 times per day Air condition room temperature (28 C & below) Maintenance supervisor Routine maintenance record Once per day (for frozen items) Freezer temperature (-20 to -13 C) Specifications on certificate of analysis (where applicable) According to certificate of analysis QC officer Certificate of analysis, supplier’s specification, raw material’s COA and inspection guidelines (b) any other processes that affect quality Quality Plan: A document setting out the specific quality practices, resources, and sequence of activities relevant to a particular product, project, or contract. Nothing can be achieved without plan! The quality plan helps us achieve our quality objectives. Your assignment (Food Tech students).
Reminder: Assignment/coursework Form a team of 4-5. Decide on types of operation/organization/product and draw a flowchart. Develop a quality plan. I will select interview session with certain groups, so do well. Dateline: week 8.