Global Agenda of Action In Support of Sustainable Livestock Sector Development Focus Area 1: Closing the Efficiency Gap.


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Presentation transcript:

Global Agenda of Action In Support of Sustainable Livestock Sector Development Focus Area 1: Closing the Efficiency Gap

GAA-FA 1 Presentation of Programme Status Three FA1 Working Group meetings Developed Framework for Natural Resource Use Efficiency – Development of Metrics – Inventory of Livestock Projects – Analysis of Livestock Information Systems Process has been established, but will also be refined. – Current task is not to revisit what will be done – Current task is to seek support for framework – Current task to Define the Scope

GAA-FA 1 Presentation of Programme Status Natural Resource Use (NRU) Efficiency will be now include analysis of Economic Implications, Social Impacts, Environment, and Animal Welfare. – Are there mechanisms to assess Economic, Social, Environment, and Animal Welfare impacts of proposed NRU Efficiency solutions. – Measures must be easy to collect in the field. – Measures must also be science based and defendable – Must have guidance on integrating assessment with core programming – Selection of measures need to be done quickly so as not to hold up process Selection of proto-type Pilot Project in a Target Country – Some GAA members already have demonstration projects operating that are beyond the Pilot stage. – Existing projects should already have basic measures in place that can be built upon.

GAA-FA 1 Presentation of Programme Status Reflect or Measure Impacts? – Focus remains on measuring NRU Efficiency – Are Economic, Environmental, Social and Animal Welfare impacts also to be measured? – Can impacts be reflected without completed full measurements? Measures will be made on NRU Efficiency, as well as Economic, Environmental, Social and Animal Welfare impacts. Additional measurements will be added based on the unique aspects of each Pilot.

GAA-FA 1 Evolution of Program Efficiency Matrix and NRU Metrics – Presented to meeting for review and approval – Confirmation that consultation has been open for 2 months – Limited additional changes are required – but will be accepted for a short period of time – Main process is to clean the Metrics to remove duplication or overlaps – Goal is to develop a base set of simple indicators that can be measured in the field. Results need to be easily read and understood. Next Steps – One week consultation on existing Matrix and Metrics – Then develop final species-specific versions for application to Pilots – Then present information system platform Next Consultation – Early in 2014 meeting will be convened to review and confirm the final proto-type methodology tied to a sample project.

GAA-FA 1 Region and Species Selection Criteria Promote regional/local interventions through efficient practices across the livestock sector (Piloting, Projects, Initiatives) – What are the selection criteria: High Current Production, Site of Future Growth, Existing Initiative Adaptation? Target pilot activities where highest potential NRU Efficiency Gains are possible – Consider potential transferability and scalability. – Select sites with highest “demand” for improving NRU Efficiency – adding value to existing industry or government priorities. May lead to Dairy in India or Beef in Russia/Customs Union – Align with existing incentives being offered for Environmental Improvement May lead to existing programs in Latin America – Using GLEAM and Agri-Benchmark databases to target, once the criteria has been confirmed.

GAA-FA 1 Pilot and Project Selection Criteria Number of Stakeholders Involved Scalability – Namibia, Communal Farms Close to the Value Chains and Markets Where Work Has Been Completed – ILRI, Livestock and Fish – EBLEX, Integrated Species LCA – NOVUS, Sustainable Poultry in Brazil – Agri Benchmark, Comparative Cost of Production Seeking Win-Win-Win Examples that Serve as Catalysts GAA Stakeholders Are Encouraged to Proposal Pilots

GAA-FA 1 Pilot and Project Selection Criteria Scope of Piloting will be to test in 1-2 sites – Review and revision will be required before expansion Actual results of measurements in the field must be presented to the next MSP in one year Importation of existing projects must allow for FA1 Stakeholders to Measure and Assess NRU Efficiency changes

GAA-FA 1 Objectives Facilitate exchange of information/linkages between stakeholders, livestock initiates and projects – Electronic Networking Methods to avoid required attendance in Rome – Create Central Portal for storage and presentation of information and projects (Support Group)

GAA-FA 1 Early Implementation of Pilot(s) Funding must be allocated to allow initial pilot(s) to be selected, designed, implemented, and reported. – To date, most work has been contributed in-kind by stakeholders – Funding from donors will required. – Coordination will be required from Support Group and existing GAA donors

GAA-FA 1 Programme Evolution: Lessons from Panels and Break-out Sessions (1) Linkage to FA2 – Restoring Value to Grassland – NRU Efficiency and Forage Production are Linked Explore Synergy between FA1-FA2 – Structural Mechanisms – Avoid Duplication and Leverage Advances Explore Linkage with LEAP – Many shared stakeholders – Focused solely on Environmental Sustainability Metrics GHG, followed by Land Use, Nutrient Use, Water, Biodiversity – Technical Process Closely Related to FA1 – LEAP will provide many tools for use by FA1 – FA1 may assist LEAP to prioritize next areas to study

GAA-FA 1 Programme Evolution: Lessons from Panels and Break-out Sessions (2) Industry initiatives such as Global Dairy Agenda for Action (Dairy Sustainability Framework) – Not necessarily for Pilots – May assist on structure and methods Use of industry players to serve as Peer-to-Peer Teaching – Actual producers share with and teach others to catalyze further practice change.

GAA-FA 1 Additional Relevant Strategies, Partners, and Activities Strategies and Activities Links with OIE on impacts such as Animal Welfare and Food Safety Payment for Environmental Services (PESS) – Direct incentives create Practice Change faster through economic signals FA1 is open to receive additional Project/Pilot Proposals Partners Consumer Goods Forum (Large Retail) – Practice Change will be highly valued and is a point of differentiation Consumer representation is important

GAA-FA 1 How current/future Programme Catalyzes Practice Change: Evidence – Dialogue --Tools Pilot Activities/Proof of Concept Prototype Projects/Demonstration Units Workshops/Communication Links Between Initiatives and Focus Areas Peer-to-Peer “Farmer” Learning – Industry Mentorship has been very effective – Roles for external (transfer) and internal (propagate) mentors Economic Incentives – Markets and Governments both have a role