We have art today. Writing: proof reading and getting our final copies published ELA: characters change- beginning Social Studies: Pacific Coast Native Americans
Writing: MOnday Events are in chronological order All events are clearly in chronological order Most events are in chronological order Some events are in chronological order Events are in random order Transitional words connect the events Well-chosen transition words connect the events Transition words often connect the events Transition words seldom connect the events Transitional words are not used
Ela: Monday Description of Character at the beginning of the story (be sure to include TWO specific pieces of textual evidence)
We have music today. Writing: proof reading and getting our final copies published ELA: characters change- end Social Studies: Pacific Coast Native Americans
Writing: Tuesday Events are in chronological order All events are clearly in chronological order Most events are in chronological order Some events are in chronological order Events are in random order Transitional words connect the events Well-chosen transition words connect the events Transition words often connect the events Transition words seldom connect the events Transitional words are not used
Ela: Tuesday Description of Character at the end of the story (be sure to include TWO specific pieces of textual evidence)
We have media today. Please have your books ready. Writing: proof reading and getting our final copies published ELA: characters change- events Social Studies: Pacific Coast Native Americans
Writing: Wednesday Conclusion states why experience is meaningful Conclusion clearly states why the experience was meaningful, including how it changed the writer or taught the writer something Conclusion states why the experience was meaningful, but the connection between and experience and reason is somewhat general Conclusion mentions why experience was meaningful, but the connections and events are not clear to the reader Conclusion does not mention why the experience was meaningful Standard sentence and grammar structure are appropriate for grade level Standard sentence and grammar structure are appropriate for grade level and are consistent throughout Standard sentence and grammar structure are appropriate for grade level with few problems Inconsistent sentence and grammar structure appropriate for grade level Minimal use of sentence and grammar structure appropriate for grade level
Ela: Wednesday Events that cause the character to change Be sure to include at least two specific events from the text.
We have computer today. Writing: proof reading and getting our final copies published ELA: characters change- review character traits Social Studies: Pacific Coast Native Americans
Writing: Thursday Conclusion states why experience is meaningful Conclusion clearly states why the experience was meaningful, including how it changed the writer or taught the writer something Conclusion states why the experience was meaningful, but the connection between and experience and reason is somewhat general Conclusion mentions why experience was meaningful, but the connections and events are not clear to the reader Conclusion does not mention why the experience was meaningful Standard sentence and grammar structure are appropriate for grade level Standard sentence and grammar structure are appropriate for grade level and are consistent throughout Standard sentence and grammar structure are appropriate for grade level with few problems Inconsistent sentence and grammar structure appropriate for grade level Minimal use of sentence and grammar structure appropriate for grade level
Ela: Thursday Character Traits hand out Describe how Auggie and Summer are alike using character traits and specific examples from the text. Start working on project
We have p.e. today. Please make sure your shoes are ready. Writing: proof reading and getting our final copies published ELA: characters change- putting it all together Social Studies: Pacific Coast Native Americans
Writing: Friday Conclusion states why experience is meaningful Conclusion clearly states why the experience was meaningful, including how it changed the writer or taught the writer something Conclusion states why the experience was meaningful, but the connection between and experience and reason is somewhat general Conclusion mentions why experience was meaningful, but the connections and events are not clear to the reader Conclusion does not mention why the experience was meaningful Standard sentence and grammar structure are appropriate for grade level Standard sentence and grammar structure are appropriate for grade level and are consistent throughout Standard sentence and grammar structure are appropriate for grade level with few problems Inconsistent sentence and grammar structure appropriate for grade level Minimal use of sentence and grammar structure appropriate for grade level
Ela: Friday Character traits hand out. In your own words, explain how you would change one of summer’s character traits. How would this change the events that took place? Finish project
Rich Resources SS book pg 95 The Pacific Coast region had plentiful _______________________ resources. Its forest contain many, tall __________, and these forest were full of ______________________ for hunting. The coastal waters and rivers were filled with _____________________ and __________________________. natural trees animals fish seals
Totem Pole The totem pole was a carved post with __________________ and other images representing a person’s ancestors. These poles were carved by hand out of wood. People proudly displayed their totem poles, some as tall as a ____________________ story building. The purpose of a totem pole was to show a _____________________________ animals four family history
Totem Poles
Alaska California moutain wet The Pacific Coast is a narrow strip of land that stretches 2,000 miles along the Pacific Ocean from present day southern ______________________ to northern __________________________. The Pacific Coast Indians lived between the ocean and rugged _____________________________ ranges. The growing season was short, and the climate was too __________________________ for much agriculture. Alaska California moutain wet
Resources Growing their own food was difficult, so the Indians had to ________________, ___________________, and gather plants to survive. There were plenty of fish, __________________, _________________, and other animals. There was wood to build houses and make _______________________. fish hunt deer bears tools
Trade pg. 76 water highway dugouts Trade was very common in an area were travel was so hard. Because mountains made travel by land difficult, people traveled by ________________________________. The Columbia River was the ____________________ of the Pacific. People used ____________, which were large, hollowed out logs, to travel the rivers. water highway dugouts
Making a Dugout
One type of housing was called a _____________________________ These were rectangular houses made from large flat cedar planks or _____________________ of wood. plank house boards
The Chinooks wooden windows hole pit house families clan Chinooks villages were made up of rows of long ____________________________ houses. These houses were built of wooden boards and had no _________________________. The Chinooks built each house partly over a __________________ dug in the earth so that some of its rooms were under the ground. These houses are called a _________________. Several ________________________ belonging to the same clan lived in each house. A _________________________ is a group of families that are related to one another. wooden windows hole pit house families clan
Pit House
pit house
The Chinooks controlled the _________________________ River. They made other peoples pay them for the right to ______________________ the river. This area, known as The Dalles, became a huge trading center. In The Dalles, people from other tribes would _______________________, or exchange goods. Columbia travel barter
The Columbia River
Wealth was very important to the people in the Pacific Coast area. To show off the things they owned tribes held ______________________. These were special gatherings or celebrations with _________________ and _____________________. During a potlatch, the hosts gave away valuable ____________________ as a sign of their wealth. potlatches feasting dancing gifts
The Makahs The waters of the Pacific helped give the people who lived there plenty of ____________________. Most coastal tribes captured only _________________ whales, those that had become stranded on shore. The Makahs, however, built __________________ to hunt the whales at sea. food beached canoes
Makah whale hunters often spent months preparing for a whale hunt. They made new wooden ______________, long spears with sharp shell points. And they repaired their _______________ and paddles. A group of whale hunters would set out for the open ocean searching for any signs of a whale. harpoons canoes
Grey Whale
When a whale is spotted the chief harpooner throws his _______________into the whale. Sealskins are tied to the harpoon line to make it difficult for the whale to dive down into the water. Other harpoons are thrown into the whale. When the whale dies the hunters start ______________________ it to shore. The people will eat the whale’s _______________ and skin, make ropes and bags from other parts of the animals body, and use the fat as fuel. harpoon towing meat