Ch 20: Indigenous people
No Bell work 1/5 (CH 20 test tomorrow, HW will be checked Fri)
Pre Aztec Teotihuacan: largest Mesoamerican city Fell b/c of internal conflict/ attacked and burned by the people
2. Toltec: (high=950-1150CE) capital=Tula Unified rule, powerful army, fortified against northern nomads Use of irrigation Influenced by Mayan city of Chichen Itza Tula fell (1175) due to civil war and nomadic invasion
3. The Mexica Nomadic bullies Called Aztec when building an empire Capital: Tenochtitlan (current day Mexico City.)
Aztec Empire Itzcoatl Started Aztec expansion Created a Triple Alliance Collected tribute- some used in long distance trade to impress others 2. No elaborate bureaucracy (state appointed decision makers)=independence among conquered 3. No standing army, but feared
Mexica society Adopted culture and religion when they migrated into central Mexico Military elite (warriors) valued most Priests read omens and advised emperors Blood and gods: Huitzilopochtli=war=human sacrifice Quetzalcoatl=agriculture=bloodletting
Into the North 1. Indigenous of North America, no written language 2. Many built society on small scale (lack of resources) 3. Pueblos/Navajo (American southwest) - irrigation=3 sisters (corn, beans, squash) - stone homes (adobe)= settled 4. Iroquois (Mississippi River/ woodlands) - many settlements -woman in charge of the village (matriarchal)
5. Cahokia (Illinois, 900-1250CE) - ceremonial mounds (plazas, burial, temples)
Incas Took the Andean area from other states Pachacuti – powerful leader, built the empire Unruly captive nations=captured hostages from elite class and forced them to move to Cuzco Turned to royal mummies for advice and rituals
Aboriginals of the Pacific 1. Culture was regional (rarely diffused into other regions) 2. trade: individuals didn’t travel routes, just goods
Review all of your notes, this should help to organize the terms Great Mesoamerican city Mayan city Toltec City Aztec/Mexica city Aztec leader (first to spread empire) Aztec god of war Aztec god of agriculture Inca city Inca leader Chinampa Cahokia Quipu Review other nations (Americas/Australia)