MGM Wrestling Club Orientation Night December 6, 2016
Fees and Forms On-line Registration: Mandatory Forms: Concussion Form USA Wrestling Liability Waiver Cost: $75.00 which includes T-shirt and USA Wrestling Card
Why Wrestle? Promotes Physical Development: *Strength *Balance *Speed *Agility *Physical Fitness
Why Wrestle? Builds Character: *Confidence *Mental Toughness *Work Ethic *Competitive Spirit *Responsibility *Self-Discipline *Sportsmanship
Why Wrestle? Promotes Teamwork: *Individual performances through head to head competition with other wrestlers nets “team points”
Coaches and parents promote a team concept both at practice and at tournaments: “Silver Spartans”
Coach Expectations: (We are Volunteers!) *Attendance: “Practice and Tournaments” Coaches expect your kids to be at practice. We can’t teach them the sport if they aren’t there. Tournaments are optional. *Equipment: “Clothes, Shoes, Headgear” Kids should wear shorts or sweatpants, a t-shirt, and clean athletic shoes (wrestling shoes are preferred). Headgear is optional. Shoes available through club exchange program and required for 3rd-8th grade. *Behavior at Practice: We expect our wrestlers to behave during practice. If your kid is disruptive, he/she will be asked to leave. *Behavior in the Community: Our wrestlers represent the MGM Wrestling Club. We expect them to be good role-models for other kids, not only in practice, but in their school and community as well.
Coach Expectations Continued: * Facilities: “Respect Our Wrestling Room” We are guests at this school. Please pick up after yourselves. * Practice Times: “We start and end on time” Please be ready for the start of practice. Have your shoes and wait patiently for the start of practice. The high school practices from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. Please don’t disrupt their practices. When they finish their practice, we will be allowed on the mats. Not until then! * Hygiene: “I have ring worm” Wrestling is a contact sport where wrestlers have skin to skin contact with other wrestlers and have skin to mat contact with the wrestling mats. Poor hygiene habits which include not washing hands or taking showers after practice can lead to skin infections such as Impetigo and Ring Worm. Please have your wrestlers wash their hands with soap and water after practice and bath when they return home. No Street shoes on the wrestling mats. We don’t want any of our wrestlers to miss practice or tournaments.
MGM Wrestling Schedule Practice: Nichols Gym (5301 Monona Dr) *K-2: Tuesday & Thursdays 6:00 to 7:00pm (1hr) *3-8: Monday & Wednesdays 6:00 to 7:30pm (1hr 30min) *There will be NO PRACTICE the week of December 26-30th. *Inclement Weather: Typically if school is cancelled, so is practice. *An email from the MGM Wrestling Club will be sent for any schedule changes.
Wrestling Tournaments: Participation: *Promotes Wrestler Development *Decision to Participate: “Wrestler, Parent, Coach” *Spectator vs. Competitor *No Pressure Philosophy *Avoid Burnout
Tournament Information Tournaments are optional for MGM Participants Resources: Track Wrestling WI Wrestling Federation Tournaments are held typically on weekend dates and each tournament has a registration Fee of $10-20 An Early bird” registration deadline usually saves $5-10 All tournaments require a USA wrestling card ($40.00 per season) in addition to tournament registration fees
Wrestling Tournaments: Tournament Environment: *Organized Chaos *Noise *Size *Competition Level *Emotional Roller Coaster Team Tournaments: MGM Wrestling will strive to create a team atmosphere with tournament communication prior to the tournament. A team warm-up will be lead by designated team members and coaches. A designated board member will also be available at tournament as resource to assist with the “overwhelming” process.
MGM Wrestling Tournaments Oregon Sat 1/7/17 (K-8) Brodhead Sat 1/14/17 (Beginners) Middleton Sat 1/21/17 (K-8) Marshall Sat 1/28/17 (K-8) Poynette Sun 2/12/17 (K-8) Sauk Prairie Sun 2/19/17 (K-8) Verona Sun 3/5/17 (K-8) Regionals Sat 3/18/17 (2-8) State Fri 3/24/17 Sat 3/25/17
VOLUNTEERS Make Our Program a Success! Areas of Identified Needs for Volunteers (but not limited to these if you have another talent that can contribute!) Coaching – Our lead coaches are in need of some assistance to ensure each wrestler gets individual attention. USA Wrestling background and Coach’s membership required. Parades – A great opportunity to showcase our club and have fun too! Need parents to coordinate participants, walk in the parade, organize candy donations and help create “float” Board Participation – Monthly meetings where decisions are made We need volunteers to work at UW concession stands of UW Wrestling matches?!?
MGM Wrestling Club Revenue: Fundraising: We need YOU! MGM Wrestling Club Revenue: *Registration Fees *H.S. Badger Conference Championships *UW-Concessions *Local Business Partnerships *Tax-Deductible Donations: Business or Individual
UW-CONCESSIONS. 10 Volunteers Needed for each match UW-CONCESSIONS *10 Volunteers Needed for each match* Volunteer 5 hours one evening / weekend to work the concession stands during a UW-Badger Wrestling Match Northern Iowa Sun 12/11/16 Ohio State Fri 1/6/17 Penn State Fri 1/27/17 Michigan Sun 2/12/17 Michigan State Fri 2/17/17 Central Michigan Sun 2/19/17
MGM Wrestling Club Website: Website Resources Include: *Program News *Club Calendar *Practice Schedules *Coach Information *Tournament Information *Volunteer Opportunities *Fundraising *Merchandise
Meet the MGM Board of Directors Matt Karls - President Jeremiah Rux – Vice President Ed Stube - Treasure Amy Turner – Secretary Barb Schlaefer – At-Large Member Joy (last name) – At-Large Member Monica Gunderson – At-Large Member
Thank you for being part of the MGM Wrestling Club! Open Discussion/Questions