Revision Week 1-3
Hardware Design of a Personal Computer What is hardware Components inside a system unit (motherboard, processor, cooling system, processors, RAM, expansion cards, RAID, secondary storage,…) I/O devices, connector and buses. Moore’s Law
Digital information Encoding information Storing Decimal Numbers in a machine Binary Numbers (Conversions) Bits and Bytes Decimal and Binary Prefixes
Software What is software? File formats Open and proprietary standards Copyright vs patents Proprietary software (Commercial, Freeware, shareware) Free software / Open source software Kinds of software (application vs system) Spyware, malware, viruses
Networking and the Internet Circuit switching vs packet switching Arpanet Types of Network Networking hardware Protocols IP and Domain Names
Electronic Communications Email Instant messaging Forums Spam Security issues Authenticating users Synchronous and asynchronous communications
Electronic Publishing Blogs, microblogging Wikipedia Wiki markup
WWW Hypertext WWW project Evolution of the web HTTP /HTTPS URL Protocol for accessing webpages Proxy, cache, firewall Search engines
Ethical, Social and Legal Issues on the Web Online anonymity Different kinds of malware Online bullying Cultural dominance Copyright and file sharing Censorship on the Web
Word Processing ASCII Text Editors vs Word Processors Standards WYSIWYG Styles Headers, Footers, Footnote
Good luck!!