To what extent were the prosecution of Anne Hutchinson, the exile of Roger Williams, King Philip’s War, and the convictions in the Salem Witch Trials a corruption or a preservation of the “city upon a hill”?
Puritan Beliefs and Values Predestination Success and good works were possible signs of salvation but not its cause Church hierarchy unnecessary Each congregation governed itself One could lead a holy life and still profit financially Bible is a complete guide to life = literacy Social reciprocity (rich had obligation to poor; poor had obligation to obey) Protestant work ethic (Idleness is a sin) Patriarchal
Anne Hutchinson Antinomianism challenged Puritan patriarchy banished from Massachusetts Bay
Roger Williams Williams believed that soul liberty and freedom of conscience were gifts from God, and thought freedom of religion a natural right, which demanded that church and state be separated. Condemned King’s charters; illegitimate claims to Indian lands exiled; founded Rhode Island
King Philip’s War 1675-1678 deadliest war in American history NE population and economy decimated ends Indian resistance in New England development of a solely American identity
Salem Witch Trials 20 individuals, mostly women accused of witchcraft are hung Puritan leaders trying to regain control over the populace? “The Salem witchcraft was the rock on which the theocracy shattered.”