By: Ashley Justice Adult or Child- Child I'm a farmer. Colonial Rhode Island By: Ashley Justice Adult or Child- Child I'm a farmer.
Trades/Farming They were a large fishing and farming colony. Corn and wheat grew in large numbers Foods that didn't grow in America were shipped from England. Boston was the major New England port. Livestock was also a part of their trade. Lumbering was a part of their trade as well Farmers had a very busy life.
Family Life Every person in each family had to do their own fair share of work. Women's jobs were cooking, sewing, cleaning, and minor jobs that involved the animals such as milking cows. Men hunted, took care of livestock, butchered livestock, and built things useful for their life. Children helped as much as possible but not a lot. They mainly focused on their schoolwork.
Pastime /Hobby -They played games with a ball and cup Tag Marbles Hopscotch Hide and Seek Flied kites Most of their games were also played with things they already had.
Communications Wordspread Letters were written
Relationships with other people The Rhode Islander’s people were from different religions but got along with one another.
Religion Christians were the most overall religion. Over half of them were Roman Catholic There were many varieties of other religions such as: Protestants, Episcopalian, Baptist, Evangelical, Or a different type of Christian or non-religious. Rhode Island has the highest percentage of Roman Catholics in the nation
Education Parents believed that their children should learn about Christianity. Parents taught their children to read so that they could read and understand the Bible. When they understood to read they would read more books. Their villages set up grammar schools which taught boys Latin, math, and other subjects needed for college. Although the girls could read they weren’t allowed to go to grammar school or to college.
Daily Life Taking care of the livestock was a chore for kids Many people would drink rum to begin their day For a farmer there was many tasks to complete Transportation was by wagons: bulls and horses would pull them Housing: Bricks, Wood, Games: Many games today that are played for young children: Hopscotch, Hide and Seek, etc.
Climate A cold winder humid continental climate with hot, rainy summers, and chilly winters The highest temperature recorded in Rhode Island was 104 degrees to a low of 20 degrees.