Political Science at Columbus State
Political Science “It is important in today's society to be aware of politics because the degree of governmental involvement in our every day lives has increased and as such a firm understanding of the processes and procedures is necessary in regards to the political decision making process.” ~ Dr. Kimberly Gill, Asst. Professor of Political Science at Columbus State University
What is Political Science?
What is Political Science?
What is Political Science?
Political Science Politics effects the way we live every second, of every single day. It combines the distinct and separate threads of our daily lives, essentially weaving the fabric that determines how we as a society organize, govern, and interact with one another.
Political Science Politics, put simply is the process by which groups of people make collective decisions. Therefore, politics and the behavior that defines it indefinitely shapes us not only as individuals within a society but as a civilization in general.
The Study of Political Science Political science is a multidisciplinary field that integrates the study of government, public policy and political processes, systems, and political behavior.
Political Science at CSU The Department of Political Science offers courses in all major disciplines including: Political Theory Comparative Politics Political Economy Legal Studies American Politics International Relations Political Ideology Political Analysis Public Administration
CSU Political Science Graduates Can Expect to: Demonstrate knowledge of the discipline of political science in terms of its history, content, purpose and methodologies. Demonstrate knowledge of all the sub-fields of political science. Demonstrate the ability to analyze materials, and to think critically. Demonstrate the effective ability to communicate orally.
CSU Political Science Graduates Can Expect to: Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in writing, be prepared to achieve their personal goals with regard to both intellectual and social skills. Be prepared to achieve their personal goals with regard to governmental employment, private employment, graduate school or other such professional school.
Political Science at CSU The Political Science Department also offers a wide variety of clubs and organizations including: Student Political Science Association Pre Law Student Organization Study Abroad in Oxford Model United Nations CSU International Relations Club Various Internships Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society
Political Science at CSU The Department also offers a course in which students experience politics first hand, by attending an academic seminar in Washington D.C. Where students not only get a chance to learn, but also interact with fellow students, faculty and experts in the field of Politics.
Political Science at CSU “Anything is possible [with political science], you want to study at Oxford? Go for it! You want to do an internship? Go for it! The sky is the limit!” ~ Dr. Masako Okura, Asst. Professor of Political Science at Columbus State
Jobs in Political Science A concentration in Political Science provides a solid academic foundation in which the opportunities for professional employment are endless. It offers the flexibility to pursue many different careers paths in both the public and the private sectors.
Jobs in Political Science Political science provides excellent preparation for the flexibility required in the modern employment market. It prepares students for endless careers in local, state, or national government; international organizations, private business, law, journalism, not-for-profits, communication, etc.
Jobs in Political Science Attorney/Advocate Career Counselor Foreign Service Officer Lobbyist Political Commentator Research Analyst Policy Planner Data Retrieved from apsanet.org
Jobs in Political Science Administrator Customs Officer Entrepreneur Management Analyst Pollster Campaign Operative City/Urban Planner Policy Analyst Consultant Data Retrieved from apsanet.org
Jobs in Political Science State/ Federal Legislator CIA/FBI Agent Journalist Mediator Publisher Teacher/Professor City Manager Intelligence officer Data Retrieved from apsanet.org
Why Study Politics at CSU “We have a fantastic program here that is rapidly growing and is filled with plenty of opportunities like internships and study abroad programs” ~ Christian Torijano, Political Science Student “It is a strong Program that is quickly becoming more diverse…and I feel like the professors are truly vested in my advancement” ~ Amber Dees, Political Science Graduate
Why study Politics at CSU? “We are all connected to politics…not all issues will touch students, but you will find that many will” ~Dr. Frederick Gordon, Asst. Professor of Political Science at Columbus State University “Why not? What else is there to study? Politics is the Master science!” ~ Dr. Masako Okura, Asst. Professor of Political Science at Columbus State University
Why study Politics at CSU? “We offer an excellent array of course offerings with very low faculty to student ratios. Students know their professors and have a great deal of access should they need help. Students in our program also have numerous opportunities for experiential learning outside of the classroom. These options include study abroad, applied research with faculty, and internships which all provide excellent opportunities to gain real world experience. Finally, students get to study in an environment with other motivated students.” ~ Dr. Christensen, Asst. Professor of Political Science and Columbus State University
Why study Politics at CSU? “It is a very personalized program with low class sizes, I liked that professors had an ‘open door policy’ so that we were able to have one on one interaction” ~ Kyle Watley, Political Science Graduate “Majoring in political science allowed me to study abroad in Europe, experience politics first-hand through legislative internships but most importantly it gave me the skills to learn from everyday experiences. ~ Erica Armstrong, Political Science Graduate
Political Science at CSU For more information, stop by the Political Science Office: Faculty Office Building 3rd floor, Room 310 (706) 507 8700 or check out our website: http://polsci.colstate.edu/index.php