Andreas Kreiner, CEO & founder
The company The product - modernfamilies The jobs – CTO, web dev, UI designer The location – Linz Where to find us
Company Startup, based in Linz, Austria Based on a dream to make family life easy development and support, English Currently 3 people + 3 freelancers Patent pending in social networks Financed by angel investors in Austria, Italy and Switzerland
Product A new approach to social networking in families 3 generations (non)users Decoding the social code Challenges: visualizing true social graphs, usability, message<->chat, network, … Technology: Java, Hibernate, Flex, Red5, Linux, Tomcat
Jobs Chief Technology Officer Web Developer UI Designer Lead developer Technologist Project manager Partner Salary + equity stake English (German) Java, Hibernate MySql, Tomcat Red5, Flex an asset Web 2.0 experience Salary+equity bonus English (German) Flash, Flex, Ajax UI designer Interaction designer Product experience Salary+equity bonus English (German)
Linz Vibrant economy, „zero“ unemployment, export champion, industry Very central to Vienna, Munich, Salzburg, Prague but also the Alps European Culture Capital in 2009, home of Ars Electronica – Arts English language public schools, quite green city, smallish 200.000
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