Welcome to Year 1 Parents Information Evening


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Year 1 Parents Information Evening Mrs Abbie Amos Mrs Naomi Dixon Kingsnorth… The best days of OUR lives

Aims To tell you about what happens in Year 1 To help you understand our expectations and standards To show you how you can keep informed To answer any queries you may have

School Organisation Class – 1A & 1D (Mrs Sexton; Mrs Brown) PPA cover (Mrs Routley & Mrs Trumper) Teams – Lower School - Miss Pryke Whole school – Deputy, Assistant & Head teacher Explain the structure of the lower, middle and upper school teams – all TA and CT in a team and TA work across the whole team, classes to work more as a year group. This will also help with the transition between year groups. Mr Witts- new ideas to come as we continue to move the school forward.

Daily routines in Year 1 8.45 Early morning work 8:55 Registration 9.05 Read, Write Inc 10.00 Assembly 10.15 Morning Break – whole school 10.30 Maths 11.45 Lunch 12.45 Session 3 2.00 Afternoon Break – Infants only 2.15 – 3.15 Session 4 Lunch – there is now a staggered lunch with Year 1,2 and 3 eating together from 12pm, year 4,5,6 don’t start their lunch until 12:15. This makes it nicer for the children to eat in the hall and less children on the playground at any one time.

Parental Information Parents handbook- check with office. Behaviour – Choices and consequences Attendance / illness / punctuality Texts and Outdoor Notice Board. Parents drop-in sessions (Tuesdays 3.15) Parents evenings – Informal parents evening in November Make an appointment to see us through the office

Reading Whole school policy – Reading as a school focus All pupils will read to an adult as often as possible. In addition, reading is taught as part of daily Read, Write Inc sessions. If your child's reading level is below the age expected then they will read daily to an adult. READ and DISCUSS - Expectation that children read to an adult at home 15 mins everyday. Please sign their log everyday.

Reading Continued..... Accelerated Reader Programme – Each child has a reading range given to them by the Star Reading comprehension test. They can select a book of their choice within their range. Please encourage your child to make good book choices and finish each book. Independent reading – after they have completed an AR Quiz responsibility to change books, return, and record in their reading log. Reading incentives – AR certificates, whole school and class rewards. “The best readers make the best learners”

Writing Read Write Inc Sessions will take place daily. Your child may have another trained staff member if not their class teacher. All Teachers and TAs are trained to deliver 15 mins and/or full hour sessions – individual termly assessments for rapid progress. Sounds to learn - in reading log. Literacy weeks will take place one a term i.e. Roald Dahl Week

Writing Daily opportunities to write in Read, Write Inc Extended Writing – Making writing special / with purpose (Friday) Range of Fiction and Non-fiction Marking system on a rotation. Each pupils work will be levelled formally once every term and individual writing targets will be on-going. Handwriting Writing

Maths Earning a range of mental/ written methods of addition, multiplication, subtraction and division (Basic skills initially) Problem solving and challenges Group activities and ICT Number facts

Year 1 Topics Autumn Term 1 - Weather Based on the children’s interests Last Year: British Wildlife Rainforest Castles Local area Talk about current topic. This is what the year 1 children looked at last year and these should continue this year.

Homework Reading (daily 15 minutes) Literacy / Topic Homework Maths Homework Set on Friday, due back following Friday. Reading- Every eve – 5-10 minutes each night. Homework – none set yet because we wanted to explain in this evening. Literacy homework –on a Monday to be handed in on Friday. Maths homework – on a Friday to be handed in on a Monday This homework should take 5-10 mins to complete. Time goes up as they progress through the school.

Attainment and Progress Termly assessments End of year assessments Expected end of year levels/attainment Expected progress How are we tracking and monitoring progress SEN, school procedures Children are assessed for reading, writing, maths, RE and science on a termly basis. These levels will be shared with you and explained in parents eve. End of year assessment levels go on annual report. Children usually work within National Curriculum in Year 1 (show slide with NC sublevels)- nationally, the average child should achieve a 1a by the end of year 1, at Kingnorth our aspirational target is 2c. We will discuss individual children’s progress and targets at parents eve in Nov. Children should make 3 sublevels progress in each Year group. Termly tracking grids are completed by teachers and any child not on track is identified quickly and given suitable support. We will inform you of this. We will also inform you if your child is on SEN or Gifted and talented register and explain what this means.

Levels Year R Emerging Expected Exceeding Year 1 Developing Secure Mastery

Independent learners Independence in Year 1 Organisational skills As the year progresses the children are expected to become increasingly independent and more organised. This applies to both their work and social skills. Talk about book bags, homework, reading books, access to equipment, taking things home at the end of the day etc

PE Indoor and outdoor PE sessions usually on a Thursday (1A) and a Monday (1D). Please ensure earrings are removed. Please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school at all times, as it may be needed for other activities throughout the week. (House T-shirt / white t-shirt, shorts, joggers, plimsolls and trainers, socks!)

Enrichment Activities and the Wider School. Clubs - Newsletters Parental involvement Trips – Previous years – Leeds Castle, Bedgebury Pinetum, Wildwood, Port Lympne, visit from creepy claws (range of animals) Clubs – club letter going out and there is a wide range of clubs for Year 1. Parental involvement – we hope to involve parents and use their skills within our topics. Trips – are not a treat they will be an integral part of our learning challenges including lots of opportunity to visit the locality.

How you can help. Read as much as you can with your child & discuss the text. Help them to recall basic number facts with increasing speed/Solve problems Ask them to explain what they have been learning. (If you need to, use the homework/Board as a prompt.)

And finally Contact us – We are here to help! (and consider ourselves to be quite nice ) Any questions? Open classroom on a Tuesday eve, but just catch us at the end or the day or in the morning if we’re not too busy! Read the parent notice board between the 2 year 1 classes for any daily info. We will use the text system.

Thank you for listening. Kingsnorth… The best days of OUR lives