English SMS Language Hitrova Zoya group 6.1
Why we need abbreviations? Abbreviations both in Russian and in English need to simplify it. In an official letter abbreviations should not be. You need to write in full form. But things are different in chat.
In both languages Lots of Russian words come from foreign languages. In Russian slang most of the words come directly from English. These established reductions we say every day several times. There is some of them…
Daily abbreviations u = you ur = your r = are b = be n = and y = why k = ok cu = cya = see you thx (thnx) = thanks pls (plz) = please gimme = give me
Abbreviations using numbers any1 = anyone gr8 = great 4u = for you u2 = you too some1 – someone be4 – before 2day – today w8 – wait 2u – to you
Popular abbreviations rofl = rolling on the floor laughing asap = as soon as possible tc = take care omg = oh my god hru = how are you bbl = be back later lol = laughing out loud btw = by the way
Abbreviations in real life We use abbreviations not only in slang, but in real language too. There are some examples…
Week words Sun/Su – Sunday Mon/Mo – Monday Tues/Tue/Tu – Tuesday Wed/We – Wednesday Thurs/Thu/Th – Thursday Fri/Fr – Friday Sat/Sa – Saturday
P.S. The most popular abbreviation is P.S., which is derived from the Latin word — post scriptum (translates to "written after"). P.S. usually contains important information, which the sender wants to highlight or forgot to include in the text of the letter.
Am or pm These two abbreviations are used to indicate time: AM (from the Latin expression ante meridiem – before noon; so is the time with a.m. and before noon) and PM (Latin post meridiem, or after noon; is the time from the afternoon to midnight).
A.D./B.C.E. A. D. (from the Latin Anno Domini, which means our era, the beginning of the Christian calculation from the birth of Christ), in the Russian language we use the same abbreviation B. C. (Before Christ), B. C. E. or century B. C. E. Its name in English – century Before Christian Era.