Fiscal Policy Investigation Federal, State, & Local Government
Instructions Your group will investigate your level of government’s fiscal policy using a strategy called SCAMPER. Once you analyze the current revenues and expenditures, your group will make your recommendations for changes to the budget. Product to be turned in: Infographic A copy of the Original Budget that you based your infographic off of The New Budget that your group has created SCAMPER letters your group used and how you used them (it is okay to not use all of them)
Federal Government Budget resources Below are the links for these sources if you need to do further research in a specific category of spending. pdf pg
North Carolina State Budget Resources Below are the links for these sources for to do further research into specific category spending. 21/highlights-of-final-budget-by-north-carolina-legislature
Cabarrus County Local Budget Resources budget_fiscal_year_2017_2018-1.pdf?slrid=4de52a9e-b078-4000-9808- 8c3af8d5dede
Collaborative Group work Roles Data Manager – you will be charge of investigating the current data on the fiscal policy. You will lead your group in analyzing the data to see where you would like to make changes. Once you have handed off your research, make sure that the rest of the group portrays your information correctly in the infographic. This may include doing additional research SCAMPER Scribe – you will lead your group in the use of SCAMPER. Make sure you and your group understand how you could use each letter in the changes to the budget. Then make a rough draft for your designer of all the changes you have made in SCAMPER format. Designer –will be in charge of designing the Infographic the group. You will need to make sure that you take your group’s research and put it into a visually appealing and clear format.
S- Substitute What can you substitute? What can be used instead? Who else instead? What other ingredients? Other material? Other process? Other power? Other place? Other approach? Other sounds? Other forces? Example: I want to invent a new type of pen. I will substitute the nib with a knife
Substitute (Questioning to guide you) What can be substituted? Who else? What else? Can I replace or change any person, place, time, or situation? Can I replace or change any parts? Can I substitute one part for another? Can I use other processes, procedures, or approaches? What else instead? What other parts instead of this? Can I use this idea in a different place? Can I replace someone involved? Can the rules be changed? Can I use other ingredients, materials, or resources? Trigger Words: alternate, colorize, exchange, fill in for, proxy, rename, repackage, replace, reposition, reserve, stand in for, swap, take the place of
C- Combine What can you combine or bring together somehow? How about a blend, an alloy, an assortment, an ensemble? Combine units? Combine purposes? Combine appeals? Combine ideas? Example: Combine the pen with a letter-opener
Combine (Questions to guide you) What ideas or parts can be combined? Can I combine or recombine its parts' purposes? Can I combine or merge it with other objects? What can be combined to maximize the number of uses, efficiency, or impact? What materials or resources could be combined? Can I combine different talents to improve it? Can I combine multiple appeals? Trigger Words: blend, bring together, come together commingle, conjoin, fuse, join, link, merge, mingle, mix, package, relate, unite
A-Adapt What can you adapt this for an addition feature? What else is like this? What other idea does this suggest? Does past offer a parallel? What could I copy? Example: pen top as a container
Adapt (Questions to guide you) What else is like it? What other ideas does this suggest? Is there something similar to it, but in a different context? Does the past offer any lessons with similar ideas, or parallels? What could I copy, borrow, or use as my own? Whom could I emulate? What ideas could I incorporate? What other processes could be adapted? What different contexts can I put my concept in? What ideas outside my field can I incorporate? Trigger Words: adjust, alter, amend, bend, change, conform, contextualize, copy, emulate, fit, get used to, incorporate, match, modify, refashion, revise, rework, transform
M- Modify Can you change the item in some way? Change meaning, color, motion, sound, smell, form, shape? Other changes? Also: Magnify: What can you add? More time? Greater frequency? Stronger? Higher? Longer? Thicker? Extra value? Plus ingredient? Duplicate? Multiply? Exaggerate? Example: Modify the body to be flexible or make the pen extra larger.
Modify/Magnify (Questions to guide you) What can be modified or magnified? What can be made higher, brighter, stronger, or better? Can I increase its frequency, efficiency, or appeal? What can be duplicated? Can I make multiple choices? Can I add extra features or somehow add extra value? How can I carry it to a dramatic extreme? Is there a new twist to this that I can develop? What would happen if I changed color, motion, sound, odor, form, or shape? Can the name be changed to something more appealing to a younger population? Trigger Words: amplify, augment, enlarge, expand, extend, grow, heighten, increase, intensify, lengthen, make more important, overemphasize, over stress, strengthen
P- Put To Other Uses How can you put the thing to different or other uses? New ways to use as is? Other uses if it is modified? Example: Make the pen 12 inches long. Now it can be used as a ruler.
Put to Other Uses (Questions to guide you) What else could this be used for? Are there new ways to use it as is? Are there other uses for this if it were modified? How else can this be used? Can it be used by people other than those it was originally intended for? How would a child use it? A senior citizen? Are there new ways to use it in its current state, shape, or form? If I knew nothing about it, would I figure out the purpose of this idea? Trigger Words: apply, benefit, draw on, employ, enjoy, exhaust, make use of, manage, operate, reposition, take advantage of, tap, utilize, work out another way to
E- Eliminate What can you eliminate? Remove something? Eliminate waste? Reduce time? Reduce effort? Cut costs? Example: Eliminate the clip on the pen
Eliminate (Questions to guide you) What can be eliminated or omitted? How can I simplify it? What parts can be removed without altering its function? What is not necessary? What if I made it smaller? Should I split it into different parts or sessions? Streamline? Make miniature? Condense? Compact? Trigger Words: abolish, curb, destroy, do away with, exclude, expel, get rid of, lessen, limit, lower, moderate, pass, play down, purge, reduce, reject, remove, restrict, shorten, simplify, tone down, wipe out
R- Rearrange What can be rearranged in some way? Interchange components? Other pattern? Other layout? Other sequence? Transpose cause and effect? Change pace? Change schedule? Example: nib will bend outwards
Rearrange Question (Questions to guide you) What other arrangement might be better? How would this work in reverse? Can I interchange components? Are there other patterns, layouts, or sequences that make more sense? Can I transpose cause and effect, positives and negatives? Can I change the pace or the schedule of delivery? Should I turn it around? Up instead of down? Down instead of up? What if I try doing it the exact opposite of what I originally intended? Trigger Words: back up, change, delay, invert, move, overturn, postpone, readjust, rearrange, relocate, reorder, reorganize, reschedule, swap, switch, transpose, undo, withdraw
When you are done with the project.. Email me the link to the infographic pie chart, budget analysis and your scamper chart. Your budget analysis should be an explanation of your new budget in a word document that you attach in the email. Checklist: 1. SCAMPER letters used and how 2. Explanation of new budget. Tell me why you took away or added money to certain departments or sectors. Give tangible and concrete evidence. 3. Infographic chart