An Enquiry Based Approach to Employability . Joan Cartledge – Development & Learning Consultant
Enquiry Based Learning Students as active participants in their own learning Equipped with tools to learn Developing Transferable Skills Fostering learner independence Promotes philosophy of lifelong learning
Enquiry Based Employability Students as active participants in their own employability Developing Skills through work based, academic and voluntary activities Fostering self reflection using >>Progress>> Promotes process of ongoing professional development
Students as Active Participants PDP activities alongside the curriculum Personal skills Award Work experience programmes PDP activities within the curriculum Modules that include reflective practice and career development Use of >>Progress>> within the tutorial system
Skills Development Skills audit of academic modules Employability skills articulated in module descriptions New initiatives to encourage students to develop skills i.e. PASS, PSA, Talent Pool, Alumni Mentoring Re-design of >>Progress>>
Fostering Self Reflection Re-design of Progress to include: Self reflective resources and guidance Skills Audit Case Studies, Alumni Profiles Employer resources Integration of >>Progress>> into tutorial system
Professional Practice Establishing a pattern of self reflection to be carried though to graduate career Use of alumni profiles/videos Use of employer examples Integrating reflective practice into the curriculum Development of Professional Behaviours