Winterfield University Library WU LoSS Consortial Project: Supporting Teaching, Learning, and Research at Winterfield University WU Group 5
Winterfield University Library WU Current situation Minimal collaboration with LoSS: expertise and resources are not being shared, bargaining power is not being leveraged Rising cost of subscriptions: e-resource spending increased 6-10% per year for last 10 years Resources are not shared across the 4 universities in San Seriffe: our users could potentially have access to more resources for learning and research Efforts and services are duplicated: libraries are doing original cataloguing and creating original information literacy materials instead of sharing
Winterfield University Library WU 5 year objectives Cooperative acquisition: consortial purchasing of all e-resources Cooperative cataloguing: no duplication of original cataloguing Shared information literacy mission: online repository of information literacy materials tailored for local use
Examples of successful projects Winterfield University Library WU Examples of successful projects
5 year timeline WU Winterfield University Library Develop online repository for information literacy materials Propose consortial purchasing and extending existing licences to LoSS institutions Propose MOU for LoSS consortium Evaluation of existing collections Purchase SuperSearch together with LoSS Explore with publishers regarding shared access to existing subscriptions Digitized WUL special collections made available to all LoSS libraries Strengthen resource sharing through cooperative cataloguing or union catalogue Cost-benefit analysis of shared access to existing subscriptions
Winterfield University Library WU Proposed first step SuperSearch is a key humanities & social sciences database: Extensive disciplinary coverage (facilitates multidisciplinary research) Uniquely multilingual resources (San Seriffe national languages: Thai, Tagalog and English) 100s of e-books, journal articles, images, videos, and historical resources Unlimited user search and download At $7M San Seriffe annual subscription, we will invite LoSS to approach the publisher to subscribe as a group.
Cost vs. benefit of joint subscription Winterfield University Library WU Cost vs. benefit of joint subscription Cost WUL acqusitions team must take initiative and serve as contact point and negotiator with publisher Benefit Negotiated price should be lower due to collective bargaining power Initiate further collaboration
Collaborating with LoSS Winterfield University Library WU Collaborating with LoSS Invite LoSS Libraries to participate (WUL to lead) To incentivize participation, during this year’s licence renewals we will ask publishers to quote price of extended LoSS access Cost evaluation presented to LoSS at the end of year
Sharing information literacy materials Winterfield University Library WU Sharing information literacy materials Comprehensive, user-friendly, materials (LibGuides, videos, worksheets, presentations) created by WUL Materials available free to LoSS libraries Online sharing platform can be used for future shared information literacy materials tailored to San Seriffe academic library needs
Winterfield University Library WU 5 year objectives Cooperative acquisition: consortial purchasing of all e-resources Cooperative cataloguing: no duplication of original cataloguing Shared information literacy mission: online repository of information literacy materials tailored for local use