Healthy Milk Choices
What type of milk does your family drink?
What have you heard about lowfat milk?
Have you heard… lowfat milk is just watered down whole milk?
Have you heard… lowfat milk is just watered down whole milk? Not true!
Which milk is healthiest? 8 grams 5 grams 2 grams <1 gram
How much fat in an 8-ounce glass?
Which milk is healthiest? 8 grams 5 grams 2 grams <1 gram 8 grams 10 grams 10 grams 9 grams 30% 35% 38% 31% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Drink 1% Lowfat and Nonfat Milk!
What tips do you have for switching to a lower fat milk?
What would you like to try or remember from today?
*Adapted with permission from the California WIC Program