Home of the Bulldogs
Bulldogs After School Upload pictures of your after school activities such as dance, cheer, karate, football, soccer… for a special feature in our yearbook!!! Upload using Replayit.com or the Replay it App!!
If anyone is interested in attending the KotoriCon Anime Convention on January 5th and 6th, a celebration of Asian culture with live music, comedy, panel discussions and meet-and-greets with famous voice actors, live-action role playing, gaming tournaments and screenings of tv shows please talk to Mrs. Conaway in C16 ASAP for discounted tickets.
12/5 – Grades 7 & 8 ONLY 12/19 – Grades 6 and 8 ONLY
Talent Show Auditions – December 4, 5 &7
Congratulations to our October Students of the Month!! Anabella Capriotti Jessica Wei Ryan Fitzpatrick John Franklin Abigail Haines Ethan Hyman Nathaniel Kidwell Antonina Kulis Mikaela Maxey James McKeever Grace Nelson Daniel Pecheux Marley Thomas Zachary Thompson Jason Zambino
Congratulations to our November Students of the Month!!
Grab and Go Breakfast is Now Available!!! Grab a breakfast and head to homeroom – available to everyone $2.25
8th Grade Prep Club Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in C-22
Anime Club – next meeting December 13 in C-16
Tryouts for Godspell Jr will be on December 15 – see bulletin board for details Rehearsal Schedule is available on the bulletin board outside B-8
6th Grade Homework/ Prep Club with Mrs. Finn Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in C-6
Digits Math Academy Monday – A11, Tuesday – C18, Wednesday – A3and Thursday – C32
Student Council Announcements Meeting on Thursday 12/7 One Rep per homeroom
If you are interested in joining PAWS, which stands for Promoting Animal Welfare Society – Contact Ms. Baud in guidance
Choreography Club See Ms. Mallett for details Stop by to pick up a permission slip Don’t forget sneakers, water and comfortable clothes
Chemistry Club –in C-17
The Next Township Tuesday is December 5 – Remember to wear RED!!!!
World Culture Club in Room C-14 Meetings Monday 12/4 and Tuesday 12/5
Stay Connected! Bunkerhillmiddle LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! @OfficialBHMS FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM! Bunkerhillmiddle LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! @OfficialBHMS FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @Official_BHMS
Art Club Announcements
Girl’s Basketball Try Outs will be held Monday Wednesday & Friday, Nov 27th, 29th and Dec 1st at 3:00 in the BHMS gym You must have your physical forms turned into the nurse and be cleared by the school doctor to try out Questions ……. See Mrs. Bramante