Jul 12, 2010 07/12/10 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: CID 1014 Proposed Partial Resolution Date Submitted: 26 June 2016 Source: Ed Callaway, ARM, Inc. Contact: Ed Callaway, ARM, Inc. Voice: +1 954-608-7537 ed.callaway@ieee.org Re: 15-16-0448-03-004t-tg4t-consolidated-comment-entry-form Abstract: Draft text to propose a method of backwards-compatibility Purpose: Higher Rate Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Page 1
CID 1014 Proposed Partial Resolution 1. Require that devices search for both 250 kb/s and 2 Mb/s preambles 2. Add a primitive to notify the NHL that a 250-kb/s preamble has been detected.
Jul 12, 2010 07/12/10 CID 1014 Edits: (8.2.1, Table 8-1) Add row for new MLME-LR-PHY- DETECT primitive. (Edit 8.2.5) Add text to support new MLME-LR-PHY- DETECT. (New Add new MLME-LR-PHY-DETECT primitive to report to the upper layer that the PHY has detected a 250 kb/s O-QPSK PHY preamble. (8.4.2, Table 8-81) Add row for new macLrPhyDetect attribute. (Edit 18.2) Add text to support new macLrPhyDetect attribute. ----- Meeting Notes (17/01/2011 11:38) ----- Replace 1st paragraph with context for TVWS Page 3
Table 8-1—Summary of the primitives accessed through the MLME-SAP Jul 12, 2010 07/12/10 8.2.1, Table 8-1 8. MAC services 8.2 MAC management service 8.2.1 Primitives supported by the MLME-SAP interface Add row to Table 8-1 (the entire table is not shown) as indicated, in alphabetical order by Name: Table 8-1—Summary of the primitives accessed through the MLME-SAP ----- Meeting Notes (17/01/2011 11:38) ----- Replace 1st paragraph with context for TVWS Name Request Indication Response Confirm MLME-LR-PHY-DETECT Page 4
8.2.5 8. MAC services 8.2 MAC management service Jul 12, 2010 07/12/10 8.2.5 8. MAC services 8.2 MAC management service 8.2.5 Communications notification primitives Change the second paragraph of 8.2.5 as indicated: The MLME-BEACON-NOTIFY.indication primitive is used to notify the next higher layer when a beacon or enhanced beacon is received during normal operating conditions. The MLME-COMMSTATUS.indication primitive is used to notify the next higher layer that an error has occurred during the processing of a frame that was instigated by a response primitive. The MLME-LR-PHY-DETECT.indication primitive is used to notify the next higher layer that the 250 kb/s O-QPSK PHY has been detected during operation of the 2000 kb/s, 2450-MHz PHY. ----- Meeting Notes (17/01/2011 11:38) ----- Replace 1st paragraph with context for TVWS Page 5 8. MAC services 8.2 MAC management service Jul 12, 2010 07/12/10 8. MAC services 8.2 MAC management service 8.2.5 Communications notification primitives Add the new clause as indicated: MLME-LR-PHY-DETECT.indication The MLME-LR-PHY-DETECT.indication primitive is used to inform the next higher layer when the 250 kb/s O-QPSK PHY has been detected and macLrPhyDetect is set to TRUE. The semantics of this primitive are as follows: MLME-BEACON-NOTIFY.indication ( Status ) The primitive parameter is defined in Table 8-11. ----- Meeting Notes (17/01/2011 11:38) ----- Replace 1st paragraph with context for TVWS Page 6
Table 8-14a—MLME-LR-PHY-DETECT.indication parameters Jul 12, 2010 07/12/10, continued Add Table 8-14a as indicated: Table 8-14a—MLME-LR-PHY-DETECT.indication parameters Name Type Valid Range Description Status ENUMERATION 2000 kb/s PHY used when 250 kb/s O-QPSK PHY detected ----- Meeting Notes (17/01/2011 11:38) ----- Replace 1st paragraph with context for TVWS Page 7
Table 8-81—MAC PIB attributes Jul 12, 2010 07/12/10 8.4.2, Table 8-81 Add row to Table 8-81 (the entire table is not shown) as indicated, in alphabetical order by Name: Table 8-81—MAC PIB attributes Attribute Type Range Description Default macLrPhyDetect Boolean TRUE, FALSE Indication of whether a device automatically generates an MLME-LR-PHY-DETECT primitive if it detects a 250 kb/s O-QPSK PHY, as described in 18.2. A value of TRUE indicates that the MLME-LR-PHY-DETECT primitive is automatically generated. FALSE ----- Meeting Notes (17/01/2011 11:38) ----- Replace 1st paragraph with context for TVWS Page 8
18.2 18.2 Data rate Change the first paragraph of 18.2: Jul 12, 2010 07/12/10 18.2 18.2 Data rate Change the first paragraph of 18.2: All available data rates for the 433 MHz and 2450 MHz bands are shown in Table 18-1. When operating in the 433 MHz band, The default the mandatory data rate of the MSK PHY shall be 250 kb/s. When operating at 2000 kb/s in the 2450 MHz band, the value of macLrPhyDetect shall be TRUE, and the device shall support the detection of the 250 kb/s O-QPSK PHY. Additional optional data rates for the 433 MHz band are shown in Table 18-1. ----- Meeting Notes (17/01/2011 11:38) ----- Replace 1st paragraph with context for TVWS Page 9