All about me By: Ethan Barlow
Where I’ve lived I was born in Wichita Soon after we moved to Eldorado Then we moved back to Wichita in 3 more houses Now I live in JC, and in my 2nd house here
What I do for my free time I play video games, mostly the Legend of Zelda series I also watch movies, but not much Other than that, I text my girlfriend a lot
Family names and ages (from oldest to youngest Mom: Tammy, 43 Brother: Bryce, 21 Sister: Heather, 17 Me, 15 Sister: Gretchen, 14 Sister: Cassandra, 11
When, where, and how I was born I was born in Eldorado Kansas I was born on September 21, 2002 at 1:36 a.m. I had to be born at that time or I would’ve died because the embelic cord was wrapped around my neck and my heart rate was dropping
Favorite game systems (consoles that I own) SNES, the Super Nintendo Entertainment system Nintendo 64 Game Cube (I have 2 of them) Wii (also have 2 of them) Wii U
Favorite hand held games systems (that I own) Gameboy Advance Gameboy Advance Special DS lite (I have 3 of these) DSi 3DS PSP 3000
Favorite games that I’ve Played Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Kingdom Hearts 2 The Last Story White Knight Chronicles 1 and 2 Xenoblade Chronicles X Metroid Prime Skyrim Just Cause 3 Halo
My favorite music/artists I listen to Eminem a lot
The end