APAH Review Focus on the 250 Fully Identify = Formal IDs (try to know three factoids for each piece) Decode short response (1 page) and long-essay questions (2-3 pages) and write to task component specifically Use the suggested pieces for the LEQ Sprinkle “SHARED LANGUAGE” in your writing
SHARED LANGUAGE Anything except the verb “shows” Form Function Content Context Audience “Meaningful juxtaposition” “Cultural hybridity” “Change/continuity within a tradition” “Post-Colonial” “Architectural Complex”
Pre-historic Art
PALEOLITHIC ERA Old Stone Age 30,000 BCE – 9,000 BCE Hunting and Gathering Humans lived in caves No Written Records Cave Paintings Animals detailed-profile view Some people abstract Symbols: dots, handprints Sculptures Small OR Open-Air Reliefs Fertility symbols Carved from tusk, bone and stone
NEOLITHIC ERA New Stone Age 8,000 BCE – 2,300 BCE Man changes from hunter/gatherer to a farming Domesticated animals Permanent housing Social Classes Specialization Trade/Cultural Diffusion First Walls, Emphasis on Face, Landscape, Corbelled Vaulting, Post & Lintel Architecture, Figural Groups depicted in art
Ancient Mediterranean: Near Eastern and Egyptian Art
Key Ideas Death/Afterlife are key themes in art The role of kings varies from Egypt to the Near East Material conveys meaning and status Size conveys significance and status Egypt and Persia create massive architectural complexes to convey the power and authority of Pharoahs (Egypt in death) and Shahs (Persia in life)
Vocabulary Terms Fresco Secco- egg yolk is mixed with water and applied to plaster Narrative- tells a story Pylon- monumental gateway in Egyptian temples Hypostyle- roof supported by columns Hierarchy of Scale- manipulation of size and space to emphasize importance of a specific object
Ancient Mediterranean: Greece, Etruscan, Rome
Key Ideas Early Greek Stylistic Periods – Geometric, Oriental, Archaic Greek High Classical – Art that captures the ideal and perfect as Greece (Athens) is strong and prosperous Greek Hellenistic – melodramatic and less perfect as Greece was in a period of war Roman Republic – art reflected the respected values of wisdom, knowledge, and honesty Early and High Roman Empire – art shows the ambitions of a powerful empire with monumental buildings and sculptures Late Empire – art depicts the chaos of the era and/or early Christian motifs syncretically blended with Roman pagan conventions
Vocabulary Terms Contrapposto – graceful arrangement of the body based on tilted shoulders and hips and bent knees Perspective – depth and recession in a painting (linear: makes in 3D, aerial: gives illusion of distance) Orthogonals – lines that draw the viewer back in space to a common point (vanishing point) in linear perspective Veristic – sculptures from the Roman Republic with extreme realism of facial features Fresco – painting using water-based paints on fresh plastered walls Spolia – reusing art/architecture from the past in a new space
Camelid sacrum in the shape of a canine. Tequixquiac, central Mexico Camelid sacrum in the shape of a canine. Tequixquiac, central Mexico. 14,000-7,000 BCE, Bone
Great Hall of the Bulls. Lascaux, France. Paleolithic Europe Great Hall of the Bulls. Lascaux, France. Paleolithic Europe. 15,000-13,000 BCE, Rock Painting
The Ambun Stone, Ambun Valley, Enga Provinc, Papua New Guinea. c The Ambun Stone, Ambun Valley, Enga Provinc, Papua New Guinea. c. 1500 BCE, Greywacke
Jade cong. Liangzhu, China. 3,300-2,200 BCE, carved jade
Statues of votive figures, from the Square Temple at Eshnunna (modern Tell Asmar,Iraq) Sumerian. C.2700 BCE Gypsum inlaid with shell and black limestone
The Code of Hammurabi. Babylon (Modern Iraq). Susian. c The Code of Hammurabi. Babylon (Modern Iraq). Susian.c.1762-1750 BCE basalt
Palette of King Narmer. Predynastic Egypt. c. 3000-2920 BCE Greywacke Palette of King Narmer. Predynastic Egypt. c.3000-2920 BCE Greywacke. (2 images)
Great Pyramids (Menkaure, Khafre, Khufu) and the Great Sphinx Great Pyramids (Menkaure, Khafre, Khufu) and the Great Sphinx. Giza, Egypt. Old Kingdom, Fourth Dynasty. c. 2550-2490 BCE Cut Limestone.
Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and three daughters. New Kingdom (Amarna) Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and three daughters. New Kingdom (Amarna). 18th Dynasty. C.1353-1335 BCE Limestone
Seated Scribe. Saqqara, Egypt, Old Kingdom, Fourth Dynasty. c. 2620-2500 BCE Painted Limestone
Last Judgment of Hu-Nefer, from his tomb (page from the Book of the Dead). New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty. c.1275 BCE painted papyrus scroll
MC Question #1 Jade cong was most likely placed in a Temple Tomb 3) Palace 4) Garden
MC Question #2 What is a composite view of human representation? frontal torso, profile head, legs and arms several views sectioned together several views superimposed on each other frontal torso and head, profile legs and arms
MC Question #3 What is the name of the first architect in history whose name in known? 1) Akhenaton 2) Narmer 3) Imhotep 4)Nebamun
MC Question #4 In Egyptian art, the convention of representing social importance by size, for example, where the pharaoh is shown much larger than his subjects, is known as A) foreshortening B) composite view C) pyramidal composition D) hierarchy of scale
MC Question #5 Rock-Cut Tombs, such as Hatshepsut’s tomb, are most likely associated with 1) Persia 2) Old Kingdom Egypt C) Middle Kingdom Egypt D) New Kingdom Egypt
MC Question # 6 In the Archaic era _______________ began to appear in Greek sculpture. kouroi and korai stiff, highly stylized forms nude female forms great emotion and feeling
MC Question #7 The Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus in from Republican Rome High Empire Rome Late Imperial Rome Early Christian tradition
MC Question #8 A highly idealized, perfect, heroic sculpture would most likely be from which stylistic period Etruscan Greek Hellenistic High Classical Greece Roman Republic
MC Questions #9 This work can best be described as Geometric Archaic Hellenistic Classical
MC Question #10 The Column of Trajan functioned as all of the following EXCEPT a: Viewing stage to see Trajan’s accomplishments Narrative of Trajan’s victories Burial site of the emperor Library to all of Trajan’s writings
Sample Short Response
Fully identify the image below and explain how this work of art exemplifies the predominant theory of its creator.
Sample Long Essay
Identify the architectural complex below Explain how this complex conveys power and authority Identify another architectural complex that also conveys power and authority Compare and contrast how both complexes manipulate space to communicate a message to their audience Suggested Comparisons: The Parthenon The Forbidden City The Palace of Versailles The Hagia Sophia