RHESSI Working Group 4 Program – Taos workshop Friday am: 10:00 – 12:00 Introduction WG 4 updates Dennis Hudson Schmahl Gallagher Fletcher Gopalswamy (WG3 invited) – others? Formulation of ‘science based’ questions.
10:30-12:00 brainstorming science questions and 1:30 – 3:00 and forming action plan 3.30 – 5.30 – joint with group 1 in big room
‘Science-based’ versus ‘event-based’ questions We need to generalise our studies of individual events. - identify the underlying scientific motivations for our studies - refine the questions being asked - plan how to use a broader observational sample to address questions. - (hire some grad students) For example: footpoints What is special about HXR footpoint locations? How well is the evaporation model holding up? How are footpoint intensity/spectra/motions informing us about reconnection?
Ongoing projects HXR/EUV/Ha Footpoint structure + evolution RHESSI/CDS joint studies Plasma Diagnostics in looptop region Apr 21 Rise phase energetics Apr 21 ‘Mass chain’ Apr 21 origin of non-thermal particles tie-in also with escaping particles
Broad event categories Failed filament eruptions Successful filament eruptions Confined flares? Footpoints (moving/stationary) Moving coronal sources Pre-flare coronal sources Microflares
RHESSI Workshop III: WG 4 Summary Presentations Friday am: Dennis (Phillips) – Progress on Iron Line Complex Hudson – Non-thermal ionisation and Fe centroid energy Schmahl – Erupting filament/looptop source of 17-June-03 Gallagher – Chromosphere and TR heating with CDS/RHESSI Friday pm: Gopalswamy – HXRs, EUV, delayed Type II/III of 6-June-02 (joint with 3) McTiernan – Temperature of quiet corona using Fe Complex Joint session with WG 1,3 Saturday am: Fletcher – HXR/UV footpoints and magnetic field
using Fe, Fe/Ni complex (Phillips, Dennis) IRON COMPLEX STUDIES Variation of flare element abundances and hot coronal source properties using Fe, Fe/Ni complex (Phillips, Dennis) - Implement updates to atomic data/develop T diagnostic potential - look for Fe abundance variations throughout flares + flare-to-flare Search for signatures of coronal non-equilibrium ionisation with Fe (Hudson) - search out very fast events – presumably further from equilibrium - look for evidence of Fe complex centroid variations Multi-instrument DEM of quiet corona (McTiernan) - RHESSI quiet time data - EIT and CDS synoptic data at lower temperatures
Energetics and Dynamics of RHESSI/CDS flares (Gallagher, Fletcher, Energetics of pre- impulsive phase sources compared to eruption (Schmahl) - set of RHESSI flares showing Ha filament ejection - examine total energy of rise phase compared to filament KE Energetics and Dynamics of RHESSI/CDS flares (Gallagher, Fletcher, Dennis, Veronig) - 5 CDS events identified - derived v, F(E), Ne and T to be compared with hydromodels, Neupert predictions Statistics of RHESSI Microflares (Krucker, Christe, Grigis) - thermal and non-thermal characteristics of microflare population (already assembled) - study of soft-hard-soft in these events Spatial – Temporal structure of Acceleration (Grigis, Fletcher, Warmuth) - Find UV/Ha data for Paolo’s 13 SHS events - correlate UV/Ha spatial development with HXR time/spectral evolution
OVERALL MAGNETIC CONFIGURATION Current sheets in the corona (Warmuth, Dennis, Holman, Sui) - search for evidence for current sheets in Nancay data, LASCO, RHESSI Origin of electrons in Type III bursts (Gopalswamy, Fletcher, Metcalf) events showing delayed (wrt HXRs) Type III emission understand topological changes, which may provide the open field lines Location of HXR footpoints in overall magnetic structure (Fletcher, Metcalf) set of flares occurring in July 2002, high cadence TRACE UV magnetic extrapolations, HXR imaging and UV footpoint tracking Propagating coronal waves (Hudson, Warmuth) - Search for source of propagating waves (also in Yokhoh data)