Eliška Černická Anežka Kunčická 2.B HALLOWEEN Eliška Černická Anežka Kunčická 2.B
WHEN? WHERE? WHAT IS IT? An Anglo-Saxon folk festival The 31st of October WHERE? In Canada, Ireland, Australia, UK, Japan, Bahamas, USA, …
HISTORY It is a young holiday, it dates back to the 19th century by the Celts. It also calls All Hallows Eve. On the first of November the Celts celebrated Samhain. On the night before Samhain, the 31st of October they believed the dead came to life as spirits. The Celts wore masks and danced to scare the ghosts away.
TRADITIONS costumes hunting apples with your mouth trick-or-treating pumping of pumpkins
INTERESTING FACTS Halloween is a big business, American people spends 2 billion dollars for 300 million kilograms candies. Samhainofobies is fear from Halloween. Symbol of Halloween is pumpkin, in America it also calls Jacko‘ Lanterns, they have origin in Ireland. The top chocolate bar is snickers. In the United States, Halloween was given thanks to European immigrants.