Brain warm ups Can you solve these riddles? What belongs to you but others use it more than you do? I am the only thing that places today before yesterday. What am I? I start with the letter e, I end with the letter e. I contain only one letter, Yet I am not the letter e! What am I? Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
Can you…? Do you know the structure of the exam? Do you understand what the examiner is looking for? Can you plan an answer? Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
Success today Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
GCSE English Literature Paper 2 – Modern Texts and Poetry Section A – Modern Texts AO1 – Read, understand and respond to texts (12 marks) AO2 – Analyse language, structure and form (12 marks) AO3 – Relationship between text and context (6 marks) AO4 – Vocabulary and sentence structure, spelling and punctuation (4 marks) Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
GCSE Literature – Paper 1 A choice of two questions Extract – based ONLY ANSWER ONE QUESTION! AO1 – Read, understand and respond to texts (12 marks) AO2 – Analyse language, structure and form (12 marks) AO3 – Relationship between text and context (6 marks) AO4 – Vocabulary and sentence structure, spelling and punctuation (4 marks) Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
Answering an unseen question Today we are going to be looking at an unseen question for An Inspector Calls, ready for a mock next week. How are you going to answer an exam question? Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
Sample question Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
Initial thoughts – what would you write about? How does Priestley present the different attitudes of Mr Birling and the Inspector? Write about: what Mr Birling and the Inspector say and do their different attitudes the methods Priestley uses to present these different attitudes. [30 marks] AO4 – [4 marks] Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
What does the examiner want? Focus on writer in order to remind candidates to think about the text as a conscious construct and thereby address AO2 Addresses AO3 by focusing on the key social ideas in the play How does Priestley present the different attitudes of Mr Birling and the Inspector? Write about: what Mr Birling and the Inspector say and do their different attitudes the methods Priestley uses to present these different attitudes. [30 marks] AO4 – [4 marks] The task as a whole assesses AO1 in terms of candidates presenting a considered ‘response’ to the task and the text. Bullet points provide scaffold and a reminder of the focus of the question. Use this as a checklist. Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
AO1 Response to the characters particularly awareness and idea of idea of social responsibility. Reactions to idea of the Inspector in terms of how he affects the characters as well as how he offers an opportunity to learn/change. Difference in these characters’ attitudes towards responsibility: Mr Birling’s treatment of his workers and refusal to accept responsibility. Differences between how they speak to others and present themselves – physical differences. Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
AO2 The use of the Inspector as dramatic device to enable characters to learn about responsibility. Any comments related to the presentation of character: Mr Birling’s attitude towards others, contrast between Mr Birling and Inspector Goole. Presentation of anger/bluster/defensiveness. Use and effects of pauses, hesitancy, dashes, interruptions to present attitude. The use of stage directions and speech/language devices Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
AO3 Their attitude contrasts as a comment on socialism and capitalism. Contrast between the generations response to their attitudes/ideas. Audience response to their attitudes, who would they have sided with and why? Their attitudes to society (Ignorance vs Knowledge WW) Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
How should we construct an Introduction? Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
Work together to plan your answer: 15 minutes Use your notes in your folders! You haven’t found and created all that information for nothing! Think back to your vocab sheets, quote tables, theme table and character profiles. Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
You have 15 minutes to begin answering the question Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
How successful are we? Hopefully A!A Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
How successful are we? Hopefully A!A Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
Peer assessment Read back your own, or your neighbours response and highlight their AO’s have they included them all? Did they: Mention context? Analyse language mentioning language techniques/devices? Use key vocab? Discuss structure? Talk about effect on the audience? Specifically highlight their differences? Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
Thank you for giving it a go! And breathe… Thank you for giving it a go! Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader
For the final task we need a volunteer. Then all will be revealed… Bronze – Comment on the events in the play using textual evidence Silver – Explain inferences made Gold – Examine the effects used by Priestley Platinum – Analyse the impressions made on the reader