7-8. Palestine and Phoenicia
Phoenicians They lived in along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The Main city states were Sidon, Tyre, Byblos.
They were famous merchants They were famous merchants. They established trade routes and trading colonies throughout the Mediterranean Sea
How far did the Phoenicians sail?
They spread civilization and culture from the Middle East through the Mediterranean where they traded They created the Alphabet of 22 symbols (letters) which represent sounds
The Hebrews Abraham was the father of the Hebrew people, who led his folk from Ur to the Canaan.
In Canaan the Hebrew suffered from starvation, so they moved to Egypt In Canaan the Hebrew suffered from starvation, so they moved to Egypt. Egyptians treated Jewish badly, so Moses led them from Egypt to Palestine. This wandering was called exodus /kivonulás/.
“Shepherd of His People” Moses “Prince of Egypt” “Shepherd of His People”
Before they arrived in Palestine, Moses got the Tablets of law with the 10 commandments from God on the Mount Sinai.
The Torah Moses wrote 5 books which tell us the law of God. It is the Hebrew Bible. The Torah
Saul, the great king united the 12 Jewish tribes in Palestine Saul, the great king united the 12 Jewish tribes in Palestine. First they established Israel in the North and Judah in the East.
David, the other famous king united Israel and Judah and made Jerusalem the capital of the kingdom. He brought the ark of the covenant and the Tablets of law to Jerusalem. The Ark of the Covenant
His son was the wise Jewish king, Salomon His son was the wise Jewish king, Salomon. He put the ark of covenant and the Tablets of law in the temple in Jerusalem The temple of Solomon
Inside the Temple Tabernacle (The Holy of Holies) The Ark of the Covenant
The Temple MountToday Solomon’s Temple Wall: The “Wailing” Wall
The Jewish were the first nation which worshipped only one god The Jewish were the first nation which worshipped only one god. They believed in Yahweh (Hebrew name for God). It is called monotheism.