TMBF Features Guenther Rehm
Outline Bunch counter Bunch Min/Max on ADC/DAC Per bunch function (FB/Ex/FB+EX/Off) and gain (-1..1) Bunch select for observation Excitation with swept sine wave I/Q demodulator with integration over programmable number of bunches 03/04/2008 TMBF Features
Bunch Counter FPGA clock is ¼ of RF clock Internal bunch counter advances every 4 bunches, but also knows which of the four processing chains is going to the output. Can be re-synchronised with an external trigger (to within 4 bunches) Counter is used by all other functions to reference bunch 03/04/2008 TMBF Features
Development path Step FPGA design Control System User Interface 1 System Generator (from ESRF) EPICS (Register Interface) Matlab (From ESRF) 2 System Verilog (same registers) Matlab (ESRF+additions) 3 System Verilog (interface changes) (sensible channels) EDM screens 03/04/2008 TMBF Features
Spectral Domain Record up to 32000 turns and FFT Remove revolution frequency harmonics 230mA 170mA 125mA 03/04/2008 TMBF Features
Time Domain Compared to Fill Pattern from Photon Counting 03/04/2008 TMBF Features
Per Bunch Min/Max for ADC/DAC 03/04/2008 TMBF Features
Per Bunch function: Example damp all bunches, excite one, knock out 03/04/2008 TMBF Features
Grow/Damp Measurement Excite mode for a brief period switch off excitation, close loop record mode amplitude, fit decay repeat for different modes vary gain 03/04/2008 TMBF Features
Damping time per mode 03/04/2008 TMBF Features
Sine Wave excitation and detection Programmable sweep from 0 to 250MHz NCO produces cos/sin, cos goes to excitation Input is mixed with cos and sin, producing I/Q I/Q is integrated for programmable number of bunches Waveform with one point per frequency in the sweep is produced Can work on either all or one bunches Finer frequency resolution than FFT Sensitivity can be achieved either through strength of excitation or duration of integration Can operate invisibly to user beam 03/04/2008 TMBF Features
Tune measurement of individual bunches 03/04/2008 TMBF Features
Example: Tune Tracking 03/04/2008 TMBF Features