Data aggregation and product generation in the North SEA
Last status: North SEAdata 939.970 stations (~2% removed as duplicates/non-target institutions) Expected over 1 mio in EMODnet 3 7 Nutrients With 20–28 different methods/units each! (aggregated using P35)
Data handling so far – Nut’s Aggregation using P35 for nutrients Non-EMODNET data and QF>1 excluded (~2%) All nutrients checked for <0 values, changed to 0 Checked if NOx + NH4 >TN (within uncertainty) Checked if PO4>TP (within uncertainty) Possibly add IN (sum of NOx and NH4) in EMODnet 3 Generated DIVA maps for nutrients averaged 10 years/4 seasons: Upgrade to 6 years/4 seasons in EMODnet 3 Generated DIVA maps for O2 and chlorophyll-a Not enough data on pH etc. QF 0, 1, 4, 8 available in dataset
QA: N IN > TN 120084 NH4+NOx+TN datapoints <0,04 % fejl (0,01 for >10%)
QA: P OP > TP 1850: 1181 729 7 2x> 40 10%> 131 <10% 2006 x10, 2007 x1 1181 2005 x7, 2001 x2 729 The rest 149170 datapoints 1850=BSH (tyskland) 1181=LANU, nu 2537 LLUR (tyskland) 729=NERI <0,12% ”fejl” i data (0,03% for <10% fejl)
DIVA for Nox - vinter
DIVA for chlorophylL-a
DIVA for oxygen
All data products in sextant
Status for hazardous sub’s
Typical problems to solve The sediment depth parameter filled with rubbish from some data providers – harmonisation needed Checked for ”reasonable” concentration levels Further clarification of P35 terms, unit conversions Reporting as time trends, ocean_depth_profiles, sediment_depth_profiles, … difficult to aggregate properly
Product generation in 2017 Nutrients, Chlorophyll-a and O2 revisited with 6 years intervals to comply with MFSD and WFD timing Hazardous substances products prepared after further discussions of how to generate CDIs and P35 Difficult to produce maps like nutrients due to coastal predisposition of the data from mussels… First harvest of 2017 dataset in September/October… – and training in new DIVA version!