Tenders are invited…. To ensure transparency in procuring the goods/ service/ consultancy To ensure competition for reasonable price
Restrictive practices in tenders defeat the purpose of competitive tenders Lead to inefficient procurement
Restrictive practices could be.. By way of manipulation of specifications for the procurement By way of hindering participation of tenderers Sale of tender documents assumes importance in this context
Procedure for sale of tender documents PWD Code contains provisions relating to the sale of tender documents Para 176 states that the place and the time when the tender documents can be seen Blank tender forms can be obtained by paying the amount if any is to be specified in the NIT
..contd Similar provisions exist under the KTPP Act Rule 13 of the KTPP rules prescribes the procedure in this regard Rule 17 prescribes the minimum time to be provided for the submission of tenders.
Supply of Tender Documents The Tender documents should be made available from the date indicated in the Notice inviting the tender The Tender documents should be made available to any person who is willing to remit the cost of the documents
..contd. The Tender Inviting Authority should ensure the minimum time prescribed under rule 17 of the KTPP Rules Minimum time to be provided for submission of tenders should be 30 days for tenders of Rs.2 cr. value and 60 days for tenders in excess of Rs. 2 cr. value
Prevalent Practice Stipulate the last date for receipt of applications for Tender forms in the NIT Fix the date for issue of tender forms Fix dates for the receipt of submission of completed tender forms
..contd The above procedure is not correct It is not in accordance with the provisions of KTPP Rules as the minimum time required for submission of tenders is not adhered to It decides the competitors well ahead of the submission of tenders
…contd This may restrict the competition May give room for ring formation among the limited number of competitors Lead to inefficient procurement
Further Instructions Government has issued instructions vide Circular No.PWD 140 SO / FC 2003 dated 1.09.2003. It is emphasized to arrange to sell the tender documents from the date of publication of NIT till the day previous to the day fixed for opening of tenders
Legal implications The prescribed procedure if not followed may lead to legal complications May vitiate the procurement
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