3rd Workshop – South Africa Johannesburg, 30 June – 1 July 2008 GLOBAL VIEW Project 3rd Workshop – South Africa Johannesburg, 30 June – 1 July 2008 UNIFE – The European Rail Industry
Constraints and opportunities UNIFE approach Content: Who is UNIFE Market size and trends Constraints and opportunities UNIFE approach Technical structure and main activities the end…..
→ World market share of 60-70% Who is UNIFE? UNIFE represents the interests of the RAILWAY SUPPLY INDUSTRY Suppliers of Rolling Stock, control command, telecommunication systems, subsystems & infrastructure → World market share of 60-70%
Railway Infrastructure Full Members System Integrators & RS Railway Infrastructure Sub-system suppliers Signalling Other
Associated members 18 national rail industry associations from 16 different countries representing 900 companies EFRTC (European Federation of Railway Trackworks Contractors)
Mission & Objectives 2007 Providing competitive railway systems for increased rail traffic. 5 objectives to achieve the mission: Promote rail transport through dialogue with EU institutions and all important stakeholders Lobby for rail issues by leading initiatives with National Rail Supply Industry Associations Deliver railway interoperability & standardisation for improved LCC & RAMS Ensure European rail supply industry leadership through joint research & innovation Convince the public that rail transport is the favourable solution for the XXI century challenges of increased mobility, economic growth and environmental protection
Worldwide rail market size Total market volume exceeds EUR 100 bn – Services make up half of the total market, but show comparably low accessibility Market volume rail market [EUR bn] by segment TOTAL MARKET ACCESSIBLE MARKET Average market volume 2003- 2005 Growth p.a. Average market volume 2003- 2005 Growth p.a. SUM 103.3 1.5-2% Rail control 1-2% Infrastructure 1-2% SUM 71.8 1.5-2% Rail control 1-2% Rolling stock 1.5-2% Infrastructure 1-2% Rolling stock 1.5-2% Services 1-2% Services 2-3%
Worldwide rail market per region Western still Europe represents the most important region for railway suppliers Market volume rail market [EUR bn] by region Regions Rail market Western Europe 26 (34) E. Europe Eastern Europe 4 (6) CIS W. Europe CIS 5 (11) NAFTA NAFTA 19 (22) Asia/ Pacific Rest of America 2 (3) Africa/ Middle East Rest of America Asia/ Pacific 15 (24) Africa/ Mid. East 2 (3) 71.8 (103.3)
22,750 The accessible worldwide rail market is expected to grow 2.0% per year over the next ten years Annual growth rates market volume 2005-20151) [% p.a.] All: 1.7 (1.3) All: 1.0 (0.7) All: 3.5 (2.7) All: 3.3 (1.9) 8.2 4.0 2.7 3.3 2.1 2.0 0.9 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.6 1.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 -0.2 Infra ROS RCS Serv. Infra ROS RCS Serv. Infra ROS RCS Serv. Infra ROS RCS Serv. (0.6) (2.1) (0.9) (1.3) (0.7) (0.0) (-0.2) (1.4) (1.1) (8.2) (1.6) (1.4) (3.6) (1.6) (1.1) NAFTA Western Europe Eastern Europe CIS All: 3.3 (2.8) All: 3.7 (3.0) All: 3.0 (2.5) All: 2.0 (1.6) 4.7 5.0 3.8 6.9 3.0 3.8 3.5 3.9 3.0 2.7 3.1 2.5 2.6 1.4 1.9 1.6 Infra ROS RCS Serv. Infra ROS RCS Serv. Infra ROS RCS Serv. Infra ROS RCS Serv. (3.5) (2.7) (6.9) (2.5) (3.8) (3.3) (5.0) (2.4) (3.2) (2.5) (3.9) (1.9) (1.4) (1.9) (1.6) (1.5) Rest of America Africa / Middle East Asia / Pacific World 1) Figures in brackets show the total market volume Infra: Infrastructure; ROS: Rolling Stock; RCS: Rail Control Systems; Serv.: Services
obstacles for interoperability and progress in general ?: Techological and operational constraints obstacles for interoperability and progress in general ?: electrification systems ≠ (5 in Europe) signalling systems ≠ ( 20 in Europe) harmonised requirements ≠ track gauging ≠ coupling systems National technical rules National safety rules and methods
EXAMPLE : Signal light combinations Is this really necessary??? EXAMPLE : Signal light combinations Hungary Hungary (front + (front + rear rear ) ) All All countries countries All All countries countries Switzerland Switzerland ( ( rear rear ) ) Headlight Headlight Tail Tail light light Special Special shunting signal shunting signal Switzerland Switzerland Czech Republic Czech Republic Wrong Wrong - - track running track running Traction unit occupied Traction unit occupied (front + (front + rear rear ) ) Denmark Denmark Netherlands Netherlands Wrong Wrong - - track running track running Special Special shunting signal shunting signal Italy Italy Denmark Denmark (at (at rear rear ) ) Special Special signal signal ( ( special train special train ) ) France, France, Norway Norway , , Czech Czech Republic Republic , , Belgium Belgium (all front + (all front + rear rear ) ) Special Special shunting signal shunting signal Czech Republic Czech Republic Special Special signal signal ( ( Danger Danger ) ) Russia Tail light Sweden Sweden Warning signal Warning signal Switzerland Warning signal Belgium Belgium Netherlands Warning signal Warning signal Warning signal ( ( alternating flashing lights alternating flashing lights ) ) France France Warning signal Warning signal ( ( simultaneous flashing lights simultaneous flashing lights ) )
Electrification systems A European puzzle . . . Resulting from history 15 kV – 16,7 Hz 25 kV - 50 Hz 1500 V dc 3000 V dc
the system nigthmare…..
UNIFE General Assembly UNIFE organisation UNIFE General Assembly UNIFE Presiding Board Assistant Director-General General Manager Finance Technical Committee Strategy Committee National Associations Committee Technical Committees ERA Mirror Groups R&D Projects Technical Plenary Transport & Environment Group SRG / Rolling Stock ERWA SC Railway Systems Unit Infrastructure & Signalling Unit Communication Committee Public Affairs Unit IRIS UNIRAILINFRA ETCS SC ERTMS Marketing Group EFRTC Signalling WG UNIFE Committees and Working Groups UNIFE Staff & Units Technical Committees ERA Mirror Groups R&D Projects
Availability and harmonisation of all necessary reference documents UNIFE 3 Pillar Approach LEGISLATION STANDARDISATION STANDARDISATION RESEARCH RESEARCH Availability and harmonisation of all necessary reference documents Directives / European Railway Agency (mainline) Urban rail ? Harmonised standards provided by CEN, CENELEC and ETSI (volontary based) Harmonised standards provided by CEN, CENELEC, IEC and ETSI (volontary based) Definition of the key elements of the European specifications via joint research
European funded projects (FP6, FP7) Coordination of European activities on standards and regulations 3 Pillars MG experts steered by UNIFE official links ERA SRG members Regulation UNIFE members steered by T.C. UNIFE ERFA UIP CER UITP UIRR UIC EIM TMP SRG members Standardisation Research JPCR European funded projects (FP6, FP7) CEN CENELEC TG experts steered by UNIFE
UNIFE TG/MG: main developments UNIFE Mirror & Topical groups Over the past 2-3 years, UNIFE has developed a network of Mirror and Topical Groups This network now covers largely the technical challenges and issues faced by UNIFE members It allows the Supply industry to speak with one voice: In the WP of the ERA (TSIs, Safety unit) In the different CEN / CENELEC WGs In front of the other actors (Operators, Infrastructure Managers) It improves the understanding of common issues by exchange of best practices, experiences Therefore, an always wider network is necessary and further experts from all UNIFE members are encouraged to participate
Mirror Groups for ERA * = active
Topical Groups to support standardisation activities * = active
Directives TSIs ERA SRG Structure EU Projects SRG TSI Mirror Groups SRG = Standards & Regulations Group Directives TSIs ERA SRG TSI Mirror Groups Standards CENELEC CEN EU Projects European Dimension National Dimensions Topical Groups Internal Company Experts Network Internal Company Experts Network Internal Company Experts Network Internal Company Experts Network
Common R&D: ERRAC - What is it? European Rail Research Council a unique body bringing together: Railway undertakings Infrastructure companies Urban and regional transport operators Manufacturing industry Representatives of the EU Member States European Commission Customer groups Consultants and academic institutions With the aim of achieving consensus on priorities for railway research and guiding research efforts towards common strategy
Common R&D: ERRAC activities Revitalise the European rail sector and make it more competitive, by fostering increased innovation and guiding research efforts at European level. Development of Joint Railway Industry-Operators Research Programmes in the areas proposed by ERRAC Intelligent mobility Energy and Environment Personal Security Test, Homologation and Safety Competitiveness and enabling technologies Strategy and Economics Infrastructure 7 priorities The EU 6th&7th Framework Programme on R&D
Common R&D: FP7 1st call results Remembering the global objectives for FP7: 2001 White paper on transport and its Mid-term review + 2007 Spring Council conclusion to cut greenhouse emission, save energy and binding targets for biofuels are the leitmotiv. Results of the first call submissions received on the second week of November; Key projects retained for EC funding: INESS - Integrated European Signalling System for interlockings; ERTMS-compliant interlocking (led and coordinated by UIC; €18.5M budget - €10M retained for EC funding) SYMPASS - system simulation methodology and components model library especially applicable for onboard power supply systems (led and coordinated by UNIFE; €6M budget - €3M retained for EC funding) MODSafe – Harmonisation of European approval procedures for urban safety (and security) matters (led and coordinated by TÜV; €6.5M budget - €4M retained for EC funding)
8 proposals on FP7 2nd call coordinated by UNIFE (May 7th) Common R&D: FP7 2nd Call 8 proposals on FP7 2nd call coordinated by UNIFE (May 7th) CleanER-D (Clean European Rail-Diesel) – Emission reduction technologies ETCom (Ethernet Train Communication) « Trio-TRAIN » cluster of projects: certification of interoperable rolling stock through simulation AeroTRAIN: aerodynamic certification DynoTRAIN: railways dynamics certification PantoTRAIN: pantograph/catenary interaction certification Thermarail (train operation in extreme climate conditions) PM ‘n’ IDEA (Predictive Maintenance employing Non-intrusive Inspection & Data Analysis) HORUS (Urban Rail systems with optimized energy consumption) ERRAC-Roadmaps, lead by UIC and co-lead by UNIFE UNIFE participates in the dissemination activities of the following additional projects: ARIV, RailVibes, TRANSFEU, SYMPATICO, TIGER, SKILLRAIL
Providing competitive Railway Systems for Increased Rail Traffic www.unife.org