J Aparna Priya TRANSISTOR WORKING PRINCIPLE Electronics And Communication Engineering ECE IV-ECE-STUDENTS Anurag Group Of Institutions
Out-of-class Activity Design -1 Learning Objective(s) of Out-of-Class Activity 1.By the end of this session , the student will be able to understand. 2.How transistor would be operated as an amplifier. 3. Construction of transistor , terminals of transistor. Key Concept(s) to be covered 1. N-Type and P-Type materials. 2. P-N Junction. 3. Forward bias and Reverse bias.
Out-of-class Activity Design - 2 Main Video Source URL Working of transistor License of Video Standard YouTube License Mapping Concept to Video Source CONCEPT VIDEO SEGMENT DURATION (in min) Transistor working principle 00:00 to 9:03 09:03Min TOTAL DURATION: 09:03Min
Out-of-class Activity Design - 3 Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Learning Objective Assessment Strategy Expected duration (in min) Additional Instructions (if any) To know the working principle of transistor Q:Asses of how transistor could work as an amplifier 20min Watch the video 1
In-class Activity Design -1 Learning Objective(s) of In - Class Activity At the end of the class, students will be able to know How transistor will work as an amplifier Will try to meet the real scenario as how transistor is used as amplifier. Key Concept(s) to be covered Forward bias and Reverse bias npn and pnp transistor Terminals emitter, base, collector
In-class Activity Design -2 Active Learning activity(ies) that you plan to do Will ask to conclude the topic of transistor with respect to its application’s Explain the strategy by giving details of What Teacher will do? Q:THINK: why emitter-base junction is forward biased and collector base junction is reverse biased. Q: PAIR: STUDENT DOES: Discuss on the posed question. Q: SHARE: STUDENT DOES: Share their view and conclude the topic.