Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
A Godly Mother Selected Scriptures The typical idea of what a mom is has changed in American society Single parenting has forced many women to take on roles beyond God’s design for the family The moral decline in America has resulted in women who are more self- centered & less self-sacrificial
A Godly Mother Selected Scriptures The goal of parenting is to train the next generation to become responsible and respectable adults. Modern society minimizes the value of the woman who stays at home with her children as a "mere housewife."
The Impact of a Mother Mothers can have a major influence on her family and upon society for either good or bad.
Major School Problems - 1940 Talking Chewing gum Making noise Running in the halls Getting out of line Wearing improper clothing Not putting paper in the trashcan
Major School Problems - Today Drug abuse Alcohol abuse Pregnancy Suicide Rape Robbery Assault
The Impact of a Mother Two major societal changes: Dissolution of the family Working moms The sexual and social welfare revolutions of the 1960's are major factors in the dissolution of the family
The Impact of a Mother Social welfare programs enable irresponsible girls to raise their children on their own Men have been allowed to abandon their responsibilities - though God will still hold them accountable If mom is working, who is watching the children and whose a moral value system is being instilled?
The Impact of a Mother By God’s grace a single mom can raise godly children, but only at great self- sacrifice Children of irresponsible parents will tend to be irresponsible themselves Lois and Eunice had a positive influence on Timothy - 2 Timothy 1:5
The Impact of a Mother King Rehoboam’s mom had a negative effect on him - 1 Kings 14:31 King Abijam’s mom was an evil influence on him - 1 Kings 15:1-2, 8-10 King Asa was good despite his mother’s evil influence which he rejected
Her Own Walk with the Lord A right walk with the Lord is necessary to do well in any other area of life A devotional life with the Lord must be a priority in order to be a godly mom Be proactive & schedule daily time with the Lord and make it a routine habit Use a phone answering machine to keep from being interrupted
Her Relationship with Her Husband The busyness of parenting can easily result in the neglect of the marriage relationship A husband & wife are a family before children arrive and will remain so after they grow up and leave Marriage is to be a picture of Christ’s relationship with the church - Ephesians 6:1-4
Her Relationship with Her Husband Children are not excuse to disobey the Biblical commands concerning marriage: 1 Corinthians 7:3-16; Ephesians 5:22-33; Titus 2:3-4; 1 Peter 3:1-7 A marriage that fails because of neglect also fails the children Husband, make sure your wife can periodically get out of her “mommy” role to be your bride.
Her Behavior Before Others Your behavior before others will reveal the nature of your relationship - With the Lord With your husband Your behavior before others is the model you are teaching your children to follow - Luke 6:40
Her Commitment to Her Children Society may not value a child as it once did, but a godly mother will be self- sacrificial for her children The godly mother resists the pressure of the world to conform and she keeps her priorities in proper order Always give serious consideration to the reasons for what you do - be careful of worldly desires
Her Commitment to Her Children Mom’s that must work must also be even more self-sacrificial to minimize the impact on the children Make sure your priorities match those that God has given to you
May you be found to be a godly mother whose children will rise up and call you blessed.
Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ