Register to receive text messages and/or BE A LEADER OF THE P - Portray a Positive Attitude A - Accept Responsibility C - Choose to be Respectful K - Keep Learning First We will be using the Holt McDougal Explorations in Core Math Workbook. Your child has been given a username and password to access the online version at: ClassDojo I will be sending home the login information for parents and students. I use this for both attendance and behavior. This will be used as part of our PBIS strategies for this school year. Please register for important updates. Howard Middle School Register to receive text messages and/or e-mail messages with reminders, homework assignments, and other class information. When you sign up, remind101 will not share your phone number/email address so everything stays private! For Math - Text: @kw16math To:81010 6th Math Kathleen Wilder (478) 779-3500 - 2 Composition Ntbks - Glue Sticks - Ntbk Paper - Scissors - 4 Folders* - Highlighters - 1 Copy Paper - Colored Pencils - 2 SpiralNtbk* - #2 Pencils AND Mechanical Pencils - Handheld pencil Sharpener - Basic 4 function Calculator - Ruler * colors specified by class (1Y,2B,3G) Tutoring If a student is having trouble they should speak with the teacher as soon as possible. Extra help is available before school. Supply List: Students are required to maintain an interactive math notebook using the composition notebooks required in supplies.
I have read and understand the course guide. Math 6th Grade Units at a Glance First Semester (August 1 - December 20) Unit 1: Numbers and Operations Unit 2: Ratios and Proportions Unit 3: Expressions Unit 4: Equations Second Semester (January 6 - May 26) Unit 5: Rational Explorations: Numbers and Their Opposites Unit 6: Area and Volume Unit 7: Statistics Unit 8: Show What You Know and Intro to 7th Grade 2016-2017 I have read and understand the course guide. _________________________________ Student Name Student Signature _____________ Date In an effort to open lines of communication please take a moment and fill out the following information for my records: Current Address:__________________________ Current Cell Number: ______________________ Current Email Address: _____________________ If any of the above information changes during the course of the year, please email or text a message to me so that I can update my files. _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature _____________ Date