Guest WIFI Password: Back to school! TPEP Regional Learning Session: Equitable Teaching Practices and a “An Evaluation System Toolkit for Districts” Guest WIFI Password: Back to school! Note to Facilitator – See Facilitator Directions on Agenda Document.
What language do you use or hear from others that provides a focus to equitable teaching in your classroom(s), school(s) and district?
How is this language connected or could be connected to your district’s research based instructional framework? What are some tools you use or might use to support the connection?
“Who” are the students that teachers and administrators need to know, notice and consider when making equitable instructional decisions at the classroom, school and district level?
Discuss as a district or table: Share highlights of what you heard from others in the room so far this morning. What is your system working on regarding equitable teaching practices? What would be helpful outcomes of today or future sessions to support this work as connected to your evaluation system? District Representative- Prepare for District Introduction: 60 seconds or less! Consider each question! Return for District Reflection and Introduction Slides---------- Back to District Table- Introductions- Sharing out of districts to whole group by district representative… District Conversation time- Prepare for district introduction…
Who is in the room? Ideas from conversations so far today. What is your system working on regarding equitable teaching practices? What would be helpful outcomes of today or future sessions to support this work as connected to your evaluation system? Mike Nerland – Introduction of Guests and Welcome Message
Pausing/Paraphrasing Posing Questions Putting Ideas on the Table Session Norms Pausing/Paraphrasing Posing Questions Putting Ideas on the Table Paying Attention to Self and Others Presuming Positive Intentions Demonstrate an approach of Continuous and Ongoing Learning Review Garmston’s Norms of Collaboration. Ask participants to reflect on one of the norms they would like to focus on for today. Handout.
Equitable Teaching Conversations Today’s Agenda Learning Targets Welcome Equitable Teaching Conversations Evaluation System Toolkit Introduction - OSPI Break Digging into the “Toolkit” - AESD District Reflection Next Steps Lunch Team Planning I can identify and share ideas to strengthen the connections between our district’s framework and equitable teaching practices. I have been introduced to the “Toolkit” and potential leverage points to enhance educator growth. I have an idea about where I want to go next, to build upon my understanding of equitable teaching practices as connected to our instructional framework.
Moises- An Introduction to a Student and Considerations for Equitable Teaching Practices
Individual Reflection Considering the context in your district: “Who” are the students that teachers and administrators need to know, notice and consider when making instructional decisions at the classroom, school and district level?
Moises’ Story Individual Reflection: What are Moises’ assets? How might a system advantage Moises to support his learning?
Think and Talk: What are Moises assets? How might a system advantage Moises to support his learning? What are some skills and dispositions teachers and evaluators need to support “Moises” in your system? How does evidence of these skills and dispositions connect with your “Toolkit”, including your researched based instructional framework?
Growing Teacher and Principal Practice: An Evaluation System Toolkit for Districts Sue Anderson and Jeannie Harmon
Think and talk… How much would you estimate your district spends on Educator Growth and Evaluation implementation each year? How many hours would you estimate your teachers, principals and assistant principals, and principal evaluators spend on Educator Growth and Evaluation each year? What are some expectations you have for this investment of time and resources? Are they being met?
Purpose of the Toolkit Provide a “touchstone” for best practices in educator growth and evaluation. Offer a “third point” for discussions about effective and ineffective practices, and for future planning.
Structure of the Toolkit Four elements: District Leadership Professional Learning – Teachers Professional Learning – Principals and Principal Evaluators Foundational and Routine Procedures For each element: Description Key indicators of quality practice Descriptors for the indicators, with an opportunity to self-assess Vignettes of problematic practice and discussion questions Reflections and next steps Resources
For our work today: What’s most meaningful or helpful? What’s missing? What’s not clear? What training content/strategies would support the “roll-out”? What additional ideas do you have for vignettes, resources, etc.?
Deeper Dive into the “Toolkit” AESD
Reading Protocol Option Form “traid or partnerships” at tables or between tables. Decide where to start reading and where to stop Individually read Stop and discuss Repeat until finished reviewing four elements When finished, discuss and respond to OSPI feedback requests.
One way for Triads/Partners to Review One way for Triads/Partners to Review. Decide where to start and stop reading. See notes organizer. = This is really meaningful and important. I want to remember to apply this idea more often. = Missing consideration: Make note of your thinking- Enter thought on OSPI organizer. = I wonder about this idea. How does this idea fit or might fit with our Teacher and Principal Evaluation Program? How have others applied this idea? Triad Reading Protocol Say Something… Triads read, mark text and stop at the end of each standard. They then say something about each of the categories as described by symbols. Once finished they engage in district conversation. Need to time this out and consider what standards we touch on first… I’ll have more thinking for you tomorrow and once I see the most recent version of the standards.
District Reflection District Teams
Identify/Share Out With Whole Group: What do we want to remember moving forward? What idea(s) and resources shared by others will be useful? What is next for your system?
Survey – Evidence of Equitable Teaching Practices What would be helpful for your team to experience in the next two learning sessions? Content… Activities… Experiences… February 20th _______________ April 10th _______________ Please leave district survey response with presenters.
Learning Targets I can identify and share ideas to strengthen the connections between our district’s framework and equitable teaching practices. I have been introduced to the “Toolkit” and potential leverage points to enhance educator growth. I have an idea about where I want to go next, to build upon my understanding of equitable teaching practices as connected to our instructional framework.