HURRICANES Tropical cyclones
Nicknames Hurricanes have many names including tropical cyclones in the Indian ocean, and typhoon of the pacific
Tropical danger places more than 1500 miles outside the tropical areas have less of a risk than the non tropical areas because the seas get less heated further away
Formation Hurricanes form when the sea temp. Is above 80 degrees f. low pressure and wind speeds reach 39 mph it’s classified as a tropical storm
Formation continued hurricanes come at warmer times of the year, the sun heats the ocean water all day long and turns into water vapor, the water vapor rises high into the air, cooler air runs in to replace it, this causes winds to form. When conditions are right clouds form and you should take cover!!
Take cover!!! Winds up to 95 mph for category 1, up to 200 mph for category 5 . The wind and rain doesn’t cause most of the damage, the storm surge does this raises the ocean more than 20 ft. the huge wall of water quickly goes towards land, meteorologists know when hurricanes hit and where with computers.
Interesting facts A hurricane of 1900’s destroyed a school in Galveston, Texas but the desks are still tightly screwed to the ground. In September over 12,000 people died, 2,600 houses destroyed, and 10,000 people got homeless . A protective wall was built around the rebuilt city and is protected ever since The native American word hurricane means evil spirit of the wind
Owen cortez, prajeet chitty , isabelle Freidson
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