<Name of your University> PDMA Student Chapter Annual Report Activities Record for <Date Range covered> Use your own theme and layout (View-slide master or similar). Add photos, logos and graphics. Throughout this template file, text in italics should be replaced with more specific titles.
Contact Information Mailing address Email addresses Web site, Facebook, newsletter, etc. addresses
Student Officers Officer names, email, phone numbers Include dates of service, and it may include 2 sets of officers Photos!
Advisors Faculty and Practitioner names, email, phone numbers Photos!
Goals and Objectives Summary Statement or Mission Statement
Goals and Objectives Title of Goal 1 Title of Goal 2 Title of Goal 3 Three goals are suggested, add more if you wish
Goals and Objectives Title of Goal 1 Title of Goal 2 Title of Goal 3 Three goals are suggested, add more if you wish
Goal: Action Plan, Target and Results Detailed description of goal, i.e. increase membership by 25% Action Plan: Listing tasks of how you planned to achieve your goal Target: Your expected result Results: Actual Result
Goal: Action Plan, Target and Results Detailed description of goal, i.e. increase membership by 25% Action Plan: Listing tasks of how you planned to achieve your goal Target: Your expected result Results: Actual Result
Membership Statistics Total number of PDMA Student Chapter members: Fill in numbers (from Statistical Data tab in excel sheet) where words are underlined.
Membership Statistics Total number of PDMA Student Chapter members: Fill in numbers (from Statistical Data tab in excel sheet) where words are underlined.
Meeting Statistics Number of professional meetings with an invited speaker Number of meetings with student presentations and/or paper(s) presented Number of field trips Number of social functions Number of Officer/Planning Meetings Fill in numbers (from Statistical Data tab in excel sheet) where words are underlined.
Meeting Statistics Number of professional meetings with an invited speaker Number of meetings with student presentations and/or paper(s) presented Number of field trips Number of social functions Number of Officer/Planning Meetings Fill in numbers (from Statistical Data tab in excel sheet) where words are underlined.
Meeting Title Highlight a FEW of the best-attended meetings, using one slide per meeting Briefly describe the program and speaker Report the number of attendees Explain why it was popular You DON’T need a slide for every meeting throughout the year Use photos, logos, etc.
Summary and Questions What were the most significant events of the year? What were the most significant challenges? Future plans We would prefer that you limit to 60 slides or less, but if you have more that’s ok. When actually presenting to other groups, reorder the slides (instead of deleting, move extras to the end so you have them if questions come up) to only present a reasonable amount in the time you are given.