Results from Collimator Hardware Commissioning during EYETS 2016/2017 8th May 2017 LHC Collimation Working Group #217 I. Lamas Garcia, on behalf of EN-STI 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI
Presentation Scope Collimators Commissioning check list (link): Electro/Mechanical checks Cooling circuit checks Alignment checks General checks Functional tests Collimator Commissioning during EYETS 2016/2017 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI
Collimators electro/mechanical checks Protection elements in place Bellows status and connection to beam pipe Roller screws status/grease Linear guides 5th axis status/reduction type BPM and electronic connectors 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI
Collimators cooling circuit checks Water valves opened after bake-out Cooling water flow Flexible and rigid cooling pipes and gyrolock connections No water leaks 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI
Collimators alignment checks Tilt plate fixed Plug-in fixed Mire support engraved and sticker up to date 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI
Collimators general checks General aspect Signs of dents, abrasions, discolorations, interferences, etc. Bar code present Pictures 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI
Collimators standard functional tests Sequence cycle jaw in-out Sequence cycle 5th axis if operational Sound record of the movement Jaws positioned a +15mm For the TCTWs, more info in Adriana's presentation 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI
Collimator Commissioning during EYETS 2016/2017 Point 1 Commissioned 15th-16th March: TCL.5L1.B2 TCL.4L1.B2 TCTPH.4L1.B1 TCTPV.4L1.B1-> needed 5th axis switch cam readjustment TCL.6L1.B2 TCTPV.4R1.B2 TCTPH.4R1.B2 TCL.4R1.B1 TCL.5R1.B1 TCL.6R1.B1 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI
Collimator Commissioning during EYETS 2016/2017 Point 2 Commissioned 17th and 23th March TCTPH.4L2.B1 TCTPV.4L2.B1 TDI.4L2 TCDD.4L2 TCDIV.29012 TCDIH.29050 TCDIH.29205 TCDIV.29234 TCDIH.29465 TCDIV.29509 TCLIA.4R2 TCTPV.4R2.B2 TCTPH.4R2.B2 TCLIB.6R2.B1 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI
Collimator Commissioning during EYETS 2016/2017 Point 3 Commissioned the 29th , 30th and 31th March TCLA.7L3.B2 TCP.6L3.B1 TCSG.5L3.B1 TCLA.6L3.B2 TCSG.B5L3.B2 TCLA.B5L3.B2 TCSG.A5L3.B2 TCLA.A5L3.B2 TCSG.4L3.B2 TCSG.4R3.B1 TCLA.A5R3.B1 TCSG.A5R3.B1 TCLA.B5R3.B1 TCSG.B5R3.B1 TCLA.6R3.B1 TCSG.5R3.B2 TCP.6R3.B2 TCLA.7R3.B1 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI
Collimator Commissioning during EYETS 2016/2017 Point 5 LSS5R Commissioned 14th March TCTPV.4R5.B2 TCTPH.4R5.B2 (New TCTW with I2PS sensors)* TCL.4R5.B1 TCL.5R5.B1 TCL.6R5.B1 *TCTPH.4R5.B2 wire tests 22th March (more info in Adriana's presentation) 5th axis issue found: steps lost during movement Intervention on the 24th March to replace the reductor subassy. Cycling tested done, no steps lost. TCTPH.4R5.B2 wire tests final validation on the 11th April. 5th axis steps lost during movement. Intervention on the 12th April to dismount the reductor subassy, clean and grease it and mounted back. 3 cycles performed. No step lost. Video link 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI
Collimator Commissioning during EYETS 2016/2017 Point 5 LSS5L Commissioned 31th March TCL.5L5.B2 TCL.4L5.B2 (New TCTW with I2PS sensors) TCTPH.4L5.B1 TCTPV.4L5.B1 TCL.6L5.B2 TCL.4L5.B2 wire tests 5th April (more info in Adriana's presentation) TCL.4L5.B2 wire tests final validation 11th April 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI
Collimator Commissioning during EYETS 2016/2017 Point 6 Commissioned the 21th March TCSP.A4R6.B1 TCSP.A4L6.B2 TCDIV.88123 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI
Collimator Commissioning during EYETS 2016/2017 Point 7 Commissioned 15th March - 5th April TCLA.A7L7.B2 TCLA.D6L7.B2 TCLA.C6L7.B2 TCP.D6L7.B1 TCP.C6L7.B1 (New TCPP) TCP.B6L7.B1 TCLA.B6L7.B2 TCSG.A6L7.B1 TCLA.A6L7.B2 TCSG.6L7.B2 TCSG.E5L7.B2 TCSG.D5L7.B2 TCSG.B5L7.B1 TCSG.A5L7.B1 TCSG.B5L7.B2 TCSG.D4L7.B1 TCSG.A4L7.B2 TCSG.B4L7.B1 TCSG.A4L7.B1 TCSG.A4R7.B1 TCSG.A4R7.B2 TCSG.B4R7.B2 TCSPM.D4R7.B2 (New TCSPM) TCSG.D4R7.B2 (collimator changed of control system attribution) TCSG.B5R7.B1 (new control system) TCSG.A5R7.B2 TCSG.B5R7.B2 TCSG.D5R7.B1 TCSG.E5R7.B1 TCSG.6R7.B1 TCLA.A6R7.B1 TCSG.A6R7.B2 TCLA.B6R7.B1 TCP.B6R7.B2 TCP.C6R7.B2 TCP.D6R7.B2 TCLA.C6R7.B1 TCLA.D6R7.B1 TCLA.A7R7.B1 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI
Collimator Commissioning during EYETS 2016/2017 Point 8 Commissioned the 20th March TCLIB.6L8.B2 TCTPH.4L8.B1 TCTPV.4L8.B1 TCLIA.4L8 TCTPV.4R8.B2 TCTPH.4R8.B2 TDI.4R8 TCDIH.87441 TCDIV.87645 TCDIV.87804 TCDIH.87904 TCDIV.88123 TCDIH.88121 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI
Thank you! 08 May 2017 I. Lamas Garcia – EN-STI