Topic 5 The Early Republic JEOPARDY Topic 5 The Early Republic
President Washington President Adams President Jefferson Madison 200 President Monroe 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000 pts
President Washington: 200 Answer The ceremony in which the President officially takes the oath of office. Question What is an Inauguration?
President Washington: 400 Answer: An act or a decision that sets an example for others to follow. Question What is a Precedent?
President Washington: 600 Answer The head officials of the executive departments make up the President’s… Question What is the President’s Cabinet?
President Washington: 800 Answer As Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton’s most pressing problem was the… Question What was the National Debt?
President Washington: 1000 Answer After much debate regarding the conflict between France and Great Britain, President Washington issues this in April of 1793. Question What was the Neutrality Proclamation?
President Adams: 200 200 Answer A term to describe the shared power between the central and state governments. Question What is Federalism?
President Adams: 400 400 Answer The French objected to this agreement because they believed it put the United states on the side of Britain. Question What was Jay’s Treaty?
What were the Alien and Sedition Acts? President Adams: 600 600 Answer These controversial laws were pushed through Congress in 1798 to support the Federalists party. Question What were the Alien and Sedition Acts?
800 Answer Question What was the XYZ Affair? President Adams: 800 800 Answer In 1797, President Adams sent diplomats to France to avoid War. The French Prime Minister did not directly meet with the American diplomats, instead he set three agents to offer a deal. Question What was the XYZ Affair?
What were the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions? President Adams: 1000 1000 Answer These Resolutions claimed that each state has an equal right to judge for itself. Question What were the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions?
What was the Louisiana Purchase? President Jefferson: 200 200 Answer In 1803 the President Thomas Jefferson acquired a significant amount of land from France for $15 million dollars. Question What was the Louisiana Purchase?
What was Marbury v. Madison? President Jefferson: 400 400 Answer An important court case in 1803 which set an important precedent of giving the Supreme Court the power to decide whether laws passed by Congress wee constitutional. Question What was Marbury v. Madison?
Who were Lewis and Clark? President Jefferson: 600 600 Answer These two explores were sent out by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Territories. Question Who were Lewis and Clark?
What is Judicial Review? President Jefferson: 800 800 Answer The Madison v. Marbury Court decision established an important precedent that validated the Supreme Court’s authority. Question What is Judicial Review?
What was the Embargo Act? President Jefferson: 1000 1000 Answer In 1807 President Jefferson convinced Congress to impose a total embargo on all foreign trade. Question What was the Embargo Act?
President Madison: 200 200 Answer Members of Congress that pushed for war against England in the War of 1812 Question Who were the War Hawks?
What is Nationalism? 400 Answer President Madison: 400 400 Answer A strong sense of devotion to one’s country. Question What is Nationalism?
What was Dolly Madison? 600 Answer President Madison: 600 600 Answer This President’s wife saved the portrait of George Washington when the British burned down the White House in 1814. Question What was Dolly Madison?
What was the Treaty of Ghent? President Madison: 800 800 Answer The agreement that ended the War of 1812 between the British and the United States. It can be summed up in one sentence, “Nothing was adjusted and nothing was settled”. Question What was the Treaty of Ghent?
What was the Battle of New Orleans? President Madison: 1000 1000 Answer This battle between the United States and Britain actually took place two weeks after the War of 1812 ended. Question What was the Battle of New Orleans?
President Monroe: 200 200 Answer This term refers to being loyal to one’s state or geographical section rather than to the nation. Question What is Sectionalism?
What was the Era of Good Feelings? President Monroe: 400 400 Answer President Monroe hoped to create a sense of national unity through this program. Question What was the Era of Good Feelings?
What was the American System? President Monroe: 600 600 Answer The economic plan that would benefit all sections supported by Henry Clay. Question What was the American System?
What was the Monroe Doctrine? President Monroe: 800 800 Answer A bold foreign policy statement established by President James Monroe which stated that the European powers needed to stop colonizing land and to stay out of the Western Hemisphere. Question What was the Monroe Doctrine?
What was McCulloch v. Maryland? President Monroe: 1000 1000 Answer In 1819, this court case ruled that the states had no right to interfere with federal institutions within their borders. Question What was McCulloch v. Maryland?
Bonus Question: 5000 pts. 5000 Answer An economic idea promoted under President Jefferson that let people do as they please with respect to economic trade. Question What is Laissez Faire?